Max amount of sugar?

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Some women think sugar in the diet contributes to vaginal yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and related issues. Sugar in a soap recipe is reacting with the lye, and I truly don't think any residual sugar that might be left over in the finished soap is enough to cause problems, compared with all the sugar one eats nowadays. Better to worry about reducing the amount of sugar in the diet, if this is an issue.
I use a maximum of ONE tablespoon of sugar PPO, and it does help to increase lather in my experience. Any more than that can cause soap to be too soft and/or weep. I would imagine the maximum amount may depend some on your recipe and your climate, but for a castille or even a bastille I would not recommend going anywhere near as high as 3 Tbsp ppo, but that's JMO.

A 33% lye solution should be fine, completely dissolve your sugar before adding it into the lye water.

Unless you are using a very difficult FO or soaping very hot I don't think the added sugar should cause problems with overheating in a castille.

JM2C, ymmv

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