Massage Lotion Question...

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Jun 10, 2009
Reaction score
Fortuna, Ca.
Hi there, I want to make a massage lotion with ingrediants for achy muscles. Some people don't like oils or balms, so I thought a lotion would be nice. What oils would be good in them? Also how do I know how much EOs to use? I'm going to make an 8 oz experimental batch. My boyfriend has diabetes and has sore and achey leg muscles and feet. So, he'll be the guinea pig. I want to use peppermint, rosemary, cajuput, menthol crystals...somewhere along those lines. I just have no idea how much. Thanks, Mamabird
Hi, I think you need to really research any EO;s you use on him because he is diabetic. Many essential oils are not to be used on people who are pregnant who have high blood pressure and some other things including diabetics ,but I'm sure the more knowledgeable forum members can give you good advice. Google (Rainbow Meadows) for more info on EO's.
Hello Mamabird! When I use fragrance, I only use EOs. Also, Type II diabetes has ravaged my immediate and extended family. So, that's my expertise (or lack thereof). Anyway, unless your boyfriend has some specific skin problem that you want to address, I think any of the lighter oils would make a nice lotion.

As for fragrance, I do encourage you to research the oils you want to use as well as menthol. At first glance, I don't see anything that would be problematic, unless your boyfriend is pregnant (which could indeed be problematic), has hypertension or seizure disorder. HOWEVER, diabetics can have very sensitive and fragile skin. Both peppermint and menthol can be skin irritants. Not sure I would use both in a lotion to be used by a diabetic. I think I would tend to err on the side of caution and keep things simple, meaning I might try only one EO, such as lavender or eucalyptus.

Beyond that, diabetics can also have nerve pain or neuralgia that can mask itself as muscle pain. Make sure your boyfriend is experiencing muscle pain, not nerve pain. There are EOs that address nerve pain.

And lastly, make sure you use some type of preservative in your lotion. It's important for anyone who uses your lotion, but particularly important for people with diabetes.

My two cents for today. Good luck!
Oh thankyou for the info.

Yes, he does have nerve pain and is on meds for his nueropathy as well as insulin shots for his diabetes. He does use Theragesic for muscle pain that he has also. What are some good EOs for nerve pain? I'd like to make a light lotion that targets both kinds of pain if possible.
well, different forum/group of people...... but, maybe not.

I'm a strong believer in medical marijuana, as I have seen what it can do for people. I work in the healthcare field, so I run across many, many different ailments. You may think a person is just looking for an excuse to smoke pot, but that is NOT the case. Surely, there are some. Others are tired of using strong narcotics that shut down their body, to help ease the pain. With marijuana, they are able to dump the narc's and live their lives. I know a fella who has muscular dystrophy, a terminal strain. He's 31 years old, and doesn't know how much longer he has to live, and it is attacking his heart and respiratory muscles currently. He used to take morphine around the clock, and it just ruined him. Now that he is using med. marijuana, he is able to actually interact and live his life with his wife and children.

Anyway, there are people out there (I don't have access to marijuana, so I don't know how) who make tinctures and rubs out of the oils from marijuana that ease joint and muscle aches and pains extremely well. There was a vietnam vet who hasn't walked without a limp because of pain since the war, who literally broke out crying after trying this oil on his leg. He walked out without a limp, but with a huge smile on his face.

This tincture also does wonders for neuropathy and vascular constriction due to diabetes. The cannabinoids are vasodilators, and upon rubbing this oil into the skin, dilates the vessels and once cold feet are warm again!

Hopefully there are some out there who "know" as I do, and hopefully there are some who maybe are second guessing what they've been told all these years about a natural therapy that was once the leading pain killer, until aspirin was discovered around 1900, and wasn't legal until a racist bigot and his rich papermill-owning friend decided to lobby against it with their silly propaganda.

Keep in mind: I don't smoke pot, I don't use it. That doesn't mean I am not able to do research, or that I don't know people who it has changed their lives.

Take it as you will.
Are you talking about hemp seed oil that everyones using now? Its THC free. Anyway, he couldnt use pot for pain because he's in a 12 step program and that would totally blow his sobriety. I do use the hemp seeds from Whole Foods Market in my smoothies.
Yeah, the hemp seed oil may not do it. While I'm sure it does have some cannabinoids, it doesn't have all of them.

This tincture is not for smoking, and believe it or not, you don't get a high from it, nor does it enter your blood stream so as to trigger a drug screen.

At any rate, I hear what your sayin', and I wish you much luck!
EO's that you can consider

Hello there....
Hmm your idea is really cool and i am pretty much interested to do so too :lol:
Hmm well i gues you can consider some Eo's such as the following:

1. In order to relieve stress in the mind, muscle, body and even your spirit you can use EO's of pine.
2. You can use a mixture of citrus fruit oils such as oranges, lemon, tangerine, spearmint, grapefruit and others. This will certainly make your boyfriend as what i have experienced a relaxing, refreshing and energizing feeling
