So the mall here in town where I'm at monthly and is my main kiosk - has asked me a couple of times now if I owuld like to go into a retail front there. Today they showed me a storefront that is being re-frubished and finished for a eye-glasses store who will only be using it for a few months. This space is gorgeous with an office in the back that I can make my soaps in, and area that I could do custom scenting on lotions, bath salts etc., a space for a proper office and then all kind of retail space in the front area to create a complete retail outlet.
Here's my problem, I am only newly in business, it would tie me into one location, I would need to hire someone to help me out at least 2 days a week for a few hours to allow me time to make soap (I can make non-lye products & still see what is happening out fron, leave it to serve customers and go back), and, and , and I'm a little frightened that this move is going to be too soon.
I'm waiting on them to confirm the rent, triple net, so I can compare my numbers as far as what I'm spending right now, including ferries, accomodation, fuel and eating out. I'm going to check with my insurance company to see how much the extrea insurance will cost, as well as with City Hall on my licensing.
Do you think I should be incorporated before entering this kind of agreement? What else do I need to consider? I can hire through a governmnet organization for disabled people that are higher functioning and the government will pay 50% of their salaries. There are companies here in town that have had good success with this.
TIA - I'm stressing here. It wouldn't be until the fall at the earliest....but still stressing - I so want to do everything righrt....