Making massage bars into soap bars

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Dec 3, 2020
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Hello! Once upon a time, I bought way too many Lush massage bars at various 2-for-1 Boxing Day sales… and they don’t melt or massage well, especially in this cold country!

I don’t want to waste the lovely scent, or all that cocoa and shea butter, so I’ve been experimenting with making them into soap. The goal is to retain the scent and not make heaps of soap since I already have plenty…

Today‘s recipe turned out well, though it traced very fast; I’d process cooler, maybe with more water next time. Also, since the amounts of oils in the bars aren’t published, I just assumed equal parts for my calculation.

25% shea butter and 25% cocoa butter = combined weight of the massage bar
25% sunflower oil
25% coconut oil

Cold processed with water as 38% of oils
5% superfat
Water and oils mixed at 38C.
Hello! Once upon a time, I bought way too many Lush massage bars at various 2-for-1 Boxing Day sales… and they don’t melt or massage well, especially in this cold country!

I don’t want to waste the lovely scent, or all that cocoa and shea butter, so I’ve been experimenting with making them into soap. The goal is to retain the scent and not make heaps of soap since I already have plenty…

Today‘s recipe turned out well, though it traced very fast; I’d process cooler, maybe with more water next time. Also, since the amounts of oils in the bars aren’t published, I just assumed equal parts for my calculation.

25% shea butter and 25% cocoa butter = combined weight of the massage bar
25% sunflower oil
25% coconut oil

Cold processed with water as 38% of oils
5% superfat
Water and oils mixed at 38C.
Fabulous idea!
The first batch I tried made a pretty hard bar without many bubbles, so I did it again using the same method, but raised the amount of added oils. I used the massage bar “Percup” which weighed 50g (without all the coffee beans).

50g massage bar (25g shea, 25g cocoa butter)
45g coconut oil
45g sunflower oil

It’s only been two days but I’m getting some nice bubbles and lather from it :). It made three 60g bars.
