Very nice! Winter Gardenia is a personal favorite. Chances are the gardenia and honeysuckle accelerated trace too that probably didn't help matters. Newbie did a video not too long ago about recognizing emulsion which would probably be helpful for you. Let me see if I can find it....
Shoot, I can't find it. Let's hope newbie comes along to share it.
That would be a helpful video.
I'm actually not a huge fan of the winter gardenia yet. Maybe it will get better once it's cured. To me it smells like chocolate mint, which I can't stand. To me that's a waste chocolate and of mint.
As far as acceleration goes, it was getting thick before I even put any FO oil in. They may have accelerated some, but I don't think that was my biggest issue. Maybe my starting oil temp was higher than it should have been for this particular recipe.