Made my first batch last night!

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2010
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and it is looking good this morning I think!

it is hardening up well. here is the picture from last night :)


My DH kept saying I was going to blow up the kitchen. men. :roll:


Here are more pictures!




Hurrah! Great feeling when that first batch rurns out well! Looks good, attractive colors.
Firtst batch....

Hey! you did great, and the colors are Mrs Fusion mentioned...can't wait to see some pics of the bars... :)
Jerry S
I love the similar, yet contrasting colors in that batter, its given me an idea I think it would br really attractive to create some soaps with this theme in mind lighter & darker mixes of yet the same color.
As you all well know the idea is one thing but actually getting the colors to turn out as intended is a whole other story!
Congratulations, it looks really pretty. I like the nice glossy sheen.

My first soap batch I made with the wrong kind of palm oil - the unrefined orange stuff. Not surprisingly I got bright orange soap and it has the distinctive odor of unrefined palm - big surprise there. It now looks kind of like Dial soap and has hardened up to be a really nice bar.

You did really well for your first time out!
LOL! thank you all!! I'm pretty giddy about it :)

its making me think of caramel brownies LOL! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

I don't know when I should cut it. maybe tonight?
Congratulations on your first batch! Try to save a few bars for posterity. I have a few bars from my first batch of soap I made 5 years ago and they still look great!
added new pictures in the original post :p

I like how they came out! I just don't like the smell.
Be patient on the scent. It can take a few days or even a few weeks before it's done doing its thing. I've had batches that were downright stinky and after a few days they were great. Looks beautiful!
that's the first silicone baking pan i started soaping in! your soap looks great! far better than the first few i made in my pan :)