I like using the lye concentration box instead of the liquid as % of oils box. It just makes more sense to me.
I use a 33% lye concentration most of the time, which calls for less water than a 'full-water' amount (i.e. 25 % to 27% lye concentration), but not so little water as to encourage potential problems for the majority of my batches. I've found it to be a safe, middle of the road concentration, even for beginner soapers. It plays well with the majority of my formulas and allows me to unmold my soaps within 6 to 12 hours (depending on my oils), and also allows my soaps to harden up much faster and to cure without warping.
If I'm using an ornery FO that doesn't necessarily seize, but moves fast at 33%, I'll kick my concentration down to 30% or 31%.
If my FO is a seizer, I'll use full water (27%) and HP it.
If I'm doing a 100% olive oil Castile with a very well behaving FO, I'll soap with a 48% lye concentration.
Here is a little chart for your notes:
25% lye concentration is 3 times water as per lye
33% lye concentration is 2 times water as per lye
And 40% lye concentration is 1.5 times water as per lye
Solution Strength chart
Lye x 1.0 = 50% (I would never go this far, its the physical limit)
Lye x 1.15= 46.5%
Lye x 1.2 = 45.45%
Lye x 1.25= 44.44%
Lye x 1.3 = 43%
Lye x 1.4 = 41.66%
Lye x 1.5 = 40%
Lye x 1.6 = 38%
Lye x 1.7 = 37%
Lye x 1.75= 36%
Lye x 1.8 = 35.7%
Lye x 1.9 = 34.5%
Lye x 2 = 33%
Lye x 2.1 = 32%
Lye x 2.3 = 30%
Lye x 2.7 = 27%
Lye x 3.1 = 25%