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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
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central Oklahoma
Seems like the only photos I've uploaded lately have been of problems. Now, I have made some good soaps, but since I don't do "fancy," I don't usually post about those. This one turned out well, though I was flying by the seat of my pants, so to speak.

A friend wanted me to help her out. Her daughter insists on showering with a luffa, but the store bought shower gels sometimes give her a rash. I told her I could make a soap with luffa in it, but was surprised at the size of the luffa I ordered! So I cut it down the middle and soaped around the still huge pieces. The soap is orange eo, 15x. I also added about 1 t. of vibrant orange lab color (3 lb batch). I'm satisfied with how this one turned out.

soap 012.jpg
I like everything about this! I have not soaped with a loofa/luffa before but I might have to now.

You're soap doesn't need to be "fancy" for us to like to see it! Simple, clean looks appeal to a lot of us as well.
That looks so cool! So the loofa is throughout the soap?
Ruthie those look great! You've inspired me. I went online to search for suppliers of luffa and ended up ordering seeds to plant! I think it would be so cool to grow and harvest your own - like I need another something to do right now! I think I might be getting close to that intervention . . .

Thanks for sharing - love the idea and the color!
I recently bought soap with loofa inside like yours, but I found that the loofa was really harsh on my skin! To the point I couldn't use it anymore :( Are there different types of loofa? I absolutely love the concept of it, if there is a "soft loofa" I would look into making some bars of my own.
Ruthie those look great! You've inspired me. I went online to search for suppliers of luffa and ended up ordering seeds to plant! I think it would be so cool to grow and harvest your own - like I need another something to do right now! I think I might be getting close to that intervention . . .

Thanks for sharing - love the idea and the color!

Got a chuckle, chicklet. You sound like me. I probably would have done the same if I hadn't needed it right away. I think they would do well on my back fence.
I recently bought soap with loofa inside like yours, but I found that the loofa was really harsh on my skin! To the point I couldn't use it anymore :( Are there different types of loofa? I absolutely love the concept of it, if there is a "soft loofa" I would look into making some bars of my own.

Interesting question. I have noticed not all feel the same. But I do not have any better answer for you. Sorry that it bothered you!

I have grown tons of loofahs in my garden and so they ended up in my soap. Problem is i have cut them shredded them presoaked them in water- basically tried almost everything but my husband and friends say it hurts them in the shower( i must be a masochist- i like the scratching....
has anyone any tips of how to put them in soap? my next try will be shredding them to a really fine powder,soaking them and then add to soap. any suggestions?
The smaller and younger the loofah is, the softer it will be. If you let them get big, then will be coarser. One caution, when I have grown them, they vine EVERYWHERE and if one goes unpicked and hits the ground, you will have tons more next year.... They can be a bit invassive. More so in tropical places like FLA.
This looks really cool, I would love to one a soap like this. Great job!
Yup, the bigger they grown, the coarser and tougher the fibers are. Some people using the biggest ones to scrub their floors and wash pots.

How did you get the slices so neat? Did you cut the luffa into slices before pouring the soap?
I recently bought soap with loofa inside like yours, but I found that the loofa was really harsh on my skin! To the point I couldn't use it anymore :( Are there different types of loofa? I absolutely love the concept of it, if there is a "soft loofa" I would look into making some bars of my own.

You can get ground loofah, maybe it would be gentler.

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