LS Separation & PS 80

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Yes, Susie, I'm wondering about over neutralizing and/or possibly that the scent is reacting with the borax. I'm not at all sure, but the OP's pics don't show something that looks like a simple separation of scent from the soap. That should just be a thin film, not a thick white layer.

I understand the thinking that borax can't reduce the pH below its intrinsic pH, but that's doesn't mean it can't cause molecular mischief if too much is added.
It does look exactly like the batch I "broke" with too much borax water. My one and only attempt to thicken with borax. I learned to live with my thin soap after that.
KristaY- if you would do me a huge favor just to rule out what I(and apparently DeeAnna) think is actually the problem, we might have an answer for you.

Please make that recipe using 2-3% superfat rather than the lye heavy recipes you were using, then use the same FOs and see if they separate. I think you are over neutralizing with the borax mixture. Just leave it thin and then scent it. It does not need to be a huge batch, just 16 oz(500g) of oils.

Susie & DeeAnna, I think you both have a great point about the borax causing some kind of molecular interference. I added PS 80 to all the of jars that are pictured in the first post and it helped to a certain extent but didn't completely bring it together or clear the cloudiness. Those are now designated to my washing sink, lol.

Since those batches, I've made MANY using 50% glycerin/50% water (as the lye water) with 2-3% SF so no borax solution for neutralization. But I have used PS80 at equal proportions to FO/EO. All have mixed together with no problems and have stayed mixed after weeks to months.

On a side note, remember my screw up with the sodium lactate? I've been watching that one for 10 days and it's become interesting. I'll head over to that thread and post the update.
LS Separation & PS 80


At what percentage are you adding essential oils.....1% of the formulation, 5%?? Adding too much will cloud and cause separation. They also need to be added while the soap if HOT, such as right after diluting your soap. Are they essential oils or fragrance oils? Oil based or not? Try scaling back on the percentage if it is over 5% of your total formulation, and adding to hot soap stock. I hope I didn't duplicate anything, I didn't read all the preceding posts. Hope this helps!
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@liquidsoaplady i just bought liquid castile and added eo. But some of them has separation. Can i reheat the castile before adding eo to avoid it?
Skepnic -- This is the second place I've seen your question. It is best to ask a question in only one thread. It gets confusing to everyone else if you ask the same question in more than one thread. If you want the best response, start a new thread and ask your question there.

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