looking for cherry almond

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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Hi! I bought an amazing smelling bar of cherry almond soap at a local market, and sadly now its gone. I've been looking at a few companies that make this fragrance but I want one that doesn't discolor and was wondering if anyone had any ideas. I see a bunch posted on etsy that aren't dark brown....
Could it be bitter almond? It does smell like cherries. I made a batch a week ago and it has not discolored...also smells heavenly. I bought mine from EOU. They recently imposed some step ordering minimums for new customers.
I use a fragrance oil called Intense Almond from MMS (it has that same cherry-like smell that Almond Extract has). It does not discolor, and it's very strong, too. Only very little is needed.

IrishLass :)
cherry almond

brambleberry, very strong, I dont like it, but it sells.
How is the scent retention with the MMS Intense Almond? I've been using WSP Cherry Almond and although it starts off super strong and intense, it does fade in CP. I'm always on the quest for a fabulous Almond with great scent retention. I always sell out of the WSP Cherry Almond soap, but to me, it could be stronger. I use 1 oz/pp. It's a gorgeous FO that starts with strong cherry notes, but cures into a fabulous almond with very subtle hints of cherry. The Almond Journey continues...

For my B&B I mix just a tad of the WSP Cherry Almond with WSP OMH. It's a nice blend and everyone seems to really love it.
The MMS Intense Almond lasts forever. And I only use very little of it- .2 or .3 oz ppo. Seriously, I have soap over 2 years old made with it and it still smells great.

IrishLass :)
Thanks so much Irishlass. I hope to have my MMS Intense Almond order by next week! :D
I've just bought some cherry amaretto I haven't soaped with it yet but OOB it smells divine, it's on my to do list some time next week; It smells very much of a cherry-almond mix. :)
Ahhh...Amaretto. Thank you. I forgot about the various Amarettos out there. I'll have to try some of those. They may be just what I'm looking for!