serfmunke said:
I did stumble upon this company and for now will simply use these oils as I research any others I may be interested in. They have a decent list of oils they use, I can live with that, for now :wink:
Your site only explains why not to use palm oil but doesn't say anything about the other oils they use... that wouldn't guarantee what you are looking for.
For example, they use soybean oil and the production of soybean oil uses hexane, which is toxic. So the people who make the oil, even though they probably wear masks and gloves and all, are exposed to it.
"Chronic intoxication from hexane has been observed in recreational solvent abusers and in workers in the shoe manufacturing, furniture restoration and automobile construction industries, and recently, plastic recyclers and assemblers and cleaners of capacitive touch-screen devices." => and probably also in the oil industry?
"In 1994, n-hexane was included in the list of chemicals on the US Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). In 2001, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued regulations on the control of emissions of hexane gas due to its potential carcinogenic properties and environmental concerns."
I'd look for cold pressed or expeller pressed oils (not solvent extracted oils). Off the top of my head there could be (I suppose) cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil. BUT, that doesn't mean that all sources of those oils are pressed. For example, shea butter or coconut oil can be extracted by pressing the nuts (or whatever they are) or by using a solvent. So not only will you have to find oils that can be obtained without the use of solvent but find a brand/producer/distributor of that oil using the extraction method that you want (and be organic so that no chemicals are used for production). ... action.asp