Looking for 2/3 basic recipes for....

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Aug 27, 2012
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I'm new and basically still playing around with grocery store recipes. I'm looking for a basic recipe to play with that uses coconut, Crisco, olive, and castor that produces a somewhat hard bar with lather. I would like to use more coconut and Crisco than olive oil. Superfating is fine. I've tried lard and the smell isn't pleasant.

I am also getting ready to place an online order so I'll have my oils and such for when I'm ready to step it up.

I don't know if men and women like different type bars. Example: Women like extra moisturizers where maybe guys like a bar that does more cleaning. So.... my next question is this -

I would like to find a great tried and true basic recipe that would work for girls and one that works for guys. I'm not talking fragrance or colors just a base.

I am hoping to get an idea on what oils to order without having to buy 20 different things right now. Of course that will change later I'm sure :D

I know I will be getting some body butter whip for using to make icing. Just need to figure out which other oils are best for me to order now.

P.S. Where is the best place to order all the items at and together online

Thank you so much for any help you can give me.
Basically you are asking someone to give you their tried and true recipe if I'm reading this right.

You are going to have to do your own research. Use Soapcalc.net to formulate your recipes, make small batches until you find one that you like. Women & men like the same base recipe, where they differ is the scent.

If you create a recipe and want feedback we will be happy to do that, but it is rather rude to ask people for their recipes. There is a lot of time and money dedicated to getting that recipe...

Enjoy the journey, shortcuts are not the way to go.

You can make a perfectly good soap with the oils you list, especially if you use the new Crisco which is a blend of hydrogenated soy and palm.

Lindy is right, asking for recipes from people who have worked hard on them is not good form. That said, here are some starting points:

Lots of good reliable recipes at www.millersoap.com

Based on the oils you mentioned try the following ranges:

castor 5-10%
coconut oil 20-30%
crisco - 10-30%
olive - 30-50%

Play around on soap calc and see what you like. For women, up the conditioning numbers (over 50). For men, 20 might be a good starting point for cleansing.

Good luck!
I got some recipes off David fisher's about candle and soap web site. Soap queen has some posted, and you can check out the lovin soap blog. It is so hard to pick one "basic" recipe cuz everyone's tastes will be different, but those places will give you some good recipes so you can find what you like.

I buy a lot of oils at soapers choice/Columbus foods. The downside is they sell large amounts. Camden grey has a large selection, brambleberry has some oils.
Lindy said:
Basically you are asking someone to give you their tried and true recipe if I'm reading this right.

You are going to have to do your own research. Use Soapcalc.net to formulate your recipes, make small batches until you find one that you like. Women & men like the same base recipe, where they differ is the scent.

If you create a recipe and want feedback we will be happy to do that, but it is rather rude to ask people for their recipes. There is a lot of time and money dedicated to getting that recipe...

Enjoy the journey, shortcuts are not the way to go.


Lindy, I am so very sorry that my post came across that way. So let me say right off the bat that I was in no way trying to get anyone's secret personal recipes. I am looking for those basic recipes that people have tried that are "tried and true", ones that people can suggest that were around what I was looking for. I believe that research is a must and enjoy finding all the info I can. If things come to us easily it usually isn't worth having. Working for something is what makes us appreciate things. I understand that you guys have put in a lot of time, money, sweat and love into your soaps and recipes that was why I was hoping someone could help me go in the right direction. Any way I am very sorry for the misunderstanding and that I upset anyone. Thank you for taking time to respond.
judymoody said:
You can make a perfectly good soap with the oils you list, especially if you use the new Crisco which is a blend of hydrogenated soy and palm.

Lindy is right, asking for recipes from people who have worked hard on them is not good form. That said, here are some starting points:

Lots of good reliable recipes at http://www.millersoap.com

Based on the oils you mentioned try the following ranges:

castor 5-10%
coconut oil 20-30%
crisco - 10-30%
olive - 30-50%

Play around on soap calc and see what you like. For women, up the conditioning numbers (over 50). For men, 20 might be a good starting point for cleansing.

Good luck!

JudyMoody, Thank you so much for your reply. And I am deeply sorry for the misunderstanding as explained in my previous post.
ToniD said:
I got some recipes off David fisher's about candle and soap web site. Soap queen has some posted, and you can check out the lovin soap blog. It is so hard to pick one "basic" recipe cuz everyone's tastes will be different, but those places will give you some good recipes so you can find what you like.

I buy a lot of oils at soapers choice/Columbus foods. The downside is they sell large amounts. Camden grey has a large selection, brambleberry has some oils.

ToniD, Thank you kindly for your reply. I do love SoapQueenTV. Some of her stuff is a lot of fun.. And I have been checking out some of her BB kits. Again thank you so much for your time.
eleighc said:
Lindy, I am so very sorry that my post came across that way. So let me say right off the bat that I was in no way trying to get anyone's secret personal recipes. I am looking for those basic recipes that people have tried that are "tried and true", ones that people can suggest that were around what I was looking for. I believe that research is a must and enjoy finding all the info I can. If things come to us easily it usually isn't worth having. Working for something is what makes us appreciate things. I understand that you guys have put in a lot of time, money, sweat and love into your soaps and recipes that was why I was hoping someone could help me go in the right direction. Any way I am very sorry for the misunderstanding and that I upset anyone. Thank you for taking time to respond.

Not a problem, we do see that happen a fair amount. Miller Soaps does have some great starter recipes. Once you're comfortable making soap then start to play with the recipes and then if you want to post recipes for a critique, or assistance, or opinions, we are right here to help you out.

I didn't take it that you were asking for *my* personal favorite recipe. I took it like you were asking for a starting recipe. To me, its like asking someone for a banana bread recipe. There are basic ones, available everywhere, and there is MY recipe that uses Vietnamese cinnamon and my special "secret" ingredient. LOL

A basic recipe I was given was 50% olive oil, 2o% coconut oil, 25% palm/lard/tallow and 5% castor.

Almost every supplier site has a list of recipes. But to start off, you need to start small (a one pound recipe makes about 5 bars of soap) and use a basic recipe.
Loolee said:
To me, its like asking someone for a banana bread recipe. There are basic ones, available everywhere, and there is MY recipe that uses Vietnamese cinnamon and my special "secret" ingredient. LOL

Great, now I want to know what your secret ingredient is for banana bread. Is it zuchinni? :wink:
To me it sounded like: Where can I find the best basic recipes, any recipes anyone here think is good. :)

As a newbee, it's a jungle out there, thousands of soap pages. Thousands of recipes, thousands of good advice and guidance. :crazy:
Not to mention the jargon you do not know. Even harder it is for us, who can not study in our own language.

Do as I have done, study online, go to the bottom of what it is you want, read, listen, learn, bookmark and take notes, suddenly you are ready to make your own soap. :D
I can spend many hours online, in order to find answers to my questions, but it gets easier and easier to find the answers, and if it is completely hopeless, I ask here. Love the searchbutten in the right corner of this page :D
For example, I listed the first 20 basic recipes, ran them through Soapcalc, compared and then decided which one I thought was best for me.

It takes time to learn, soap is not something you just do, it's hard work to learn, there is no easy way, but it's exciting, just love it. :clap:

I still need answers to thousands of questions, but each day that passes, I learn more and more, and my insecurities disappear gradually.
Has now made ??8 different soaps, no accidents, maybe luck, maybe because I have studied so much. But I am proud of them all. :oops:

I must say - as a Dane I have absolutely no idea what a Banana bread is,
but if someone happens to drop a great recipe, without secret ingredients, I might try it someday. :lol:
Here is a great economical starter recipe from right here on the forum that uses the ingredients you mentioned. It's Paul's famous Walmart recipe:


The only thing I'd do differently to it would be to decrease the canola amount down to 5% (to reduce chances of DOS) and and the remainder to the olive oil amount.

IrishLass :)
Genny said:
Loolee said:
To me, its like asking someone for a banana bread recipe. There are basic ones, available everywhere, and there is MY recipe that uses Vietnamese cinnamon and my special "secret" ingredient. LOL

Great, now I want to know what your secret ingredient is for banana bread. Is it zuchinni? :wink:

LOL I'll never tell! :wink: BUT if you want a killer recipe for Zuchini bread, then try and find the one by Cooks illustrated. It is to. die. for.
Loolee said:
I didn't take it that you were asking for *my* personal favorite recipe. I took it like you were asking for a starting recipe. To me, its like asking someone for a banana bread recipe. There are basic ones, available everywhere, and there is MY recipe that uses Vietnamese cinnamon and my special "secret" ingredient. LOL

It's pudding... isn't it... or Sour Cream... or both... I have an awesome recipe called a-z bread that allows you to swap out different ingredients and is sooo good!

about.com has some great basic soap recipes, or search this forum. There are some great recipes on here... good luck

It has to be pudding.... :)
I posted a very basic recipe over 2 years ago which I've copied below because you'll never find it since it's buried in the middle of a thread. :lol:

For a 20 oz batch..., I added 1 T sugar and .4 oz sodium lactate with 7% superfat

30% Olive oil
30% Coconut oil
30% Crisco new w/ palm
10% Castor oil

Hardness 36
Cleansing 20
Conditioning 60
Bubbly 29
Creamy 25

To turn it into a manly soap :wink: - add beer for part of the liquid and 5% SF

You could also try the one below which my BIL and nephews thought were better than the one above. It's really personal preference. They don't have dry skin like I do so that's why I think they liked it better.

28% Olive oil
32% Coconut oil
30% Crisco new w/ palm
10% Castor oil

Hardness 38
Cleansing 21
Conditioning 58
Bubbly 30
Creamy 25

I know these don't sound like they get very hard, but they do and have lots of bubbles. I personally don't like coconut which is much over 25% but I even liked how these batches turned out. I think using beer as part of the liquid makes them even better.
Thanks! They're surprisingly nice for a cheapo batch. :lol: I think I don't find them drying because the Crisco bumps up the conditioning. I'm actually on the last bar from the beer batch so I need to get motivated and start soaping. Although, my sister just gave me some lard so I won't use the same recipe.


Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt your topic. :oops:
Thank you so much everyone. I have been doing research, a LOT of research and it does get over whelming sometimes. I am not wanting to start a business making soap. I want to learn to make for us and for gifts for family and friends. But I still want the soaps I make to be safe and wonderful just like it would be if I was selling. That means research, lots of practice and doing it the right way. My first batches didn't turn out well at all because I jumped the gun on fragrance and coloring. So I stepped back and started over. I've made a few batches that have turned out okay but haven't been through their full curing time yet. I know it won't be long before I "have to" make frosting soap for cupcakes. I so badly want to try palm oil because so many recipes use it. Oh! And to smell cocoa butter after hearing so much about it. It is so very hard to be patient. And so I am trying to figure out which oil/butters are the best step up from grocery store items.

I plan on buying in medium bulk so I have plenty to play and experiment with to get a soap recipe I love. There is just so much information online that it gets more confusing just when I think I know what I want. Lol.

Is it possible for me to make half pound batches while trying to perfect a recipe? What top five oils/butters do you guys suggest I order that can't be gotten at grocery store. I have lard, Crisco (new), CO (76 degree), OO (store bought), and castor.

Again thanks so very much everyone.

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