I believe in culling the hoard of soapy stuff every 10 years or so whether it needs it or not.
While cleaning out one cabinet, what to my wondering eyes should appear but this little gem hiding way in the back of the top shelf:
WOO HOO! I completely forgot about it all this time. I don't even remember when or where I got it. Probably from a thrift store or garage sale many, many moons ago. I already have 3 SBs but this one will get used for "normal" stuff like making smoothies, which I did. First thing this morning. It does not have a removeable shaft like the others, and can't go into the dish washer, but it's a BRAUN and I'm happy to put it into service.

WOO HOO! I completely forgot about it all this time. I don't even remember when or where I got it. Probably from a thrift store or garage sale many, many moons ago. I already have 3 SBs but this one will get used for "normal" stuff like making smoothies, which I did. First thing this morning. It does not have a removeable shaft like the others, and can't go into the dish washer, but it's a BRAUN and I'm happy to put it into service.