Hello from Arkansas! I am excited to restart my soapmaking journey after 15ish years of pursuing other crafts and hobbies and just generally being distracted by life. I so enjoyed it in the past so when I decided I wanted a new way to express my creativity and exercise my brain, the challenge of soapmaking came back into my life. It started as a hobby all those years ago but I had a business plan ready to advance into as I advanced my skills and then life happened and I got off course. Now it will start as a hobby again but I am also interested in pursuing many homesteading skills and this fits that bill nicely. I enjoy the balance of science and art that soapmaking brings to my life and know many, if not most of you, feel the same!! I was a part of a soap making forum back then and appreciated the camaraderie and support I found there, so was excited to find this one now. I have been reading through posts and just soaking it all in for several weeks until I was sure this was the path I wanted to go down. Now I am ready and so excited for this journey. Cheers to happy soapmaking days ahead!