liquid soap separation

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Sep 16, 2017
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I wrote awhile back about my first liquid soap attempt separating (I've had success with bar soaps) and I thought it might have been bc the KOH was old. Someone said not to throw it out but add in liquid and my new KOH equal amts a little at a time??
My recipe was 185gr KOH, 820gr olive oil, 89gr castor oil327 gr water, 227 gr glycerin. It's been sitting for 3 mos now with oil on the top and taffy looking on bottom that I got zapped from.
Should I throw away and start over (same recipe?) or is there some way I can save what I have?
Many thanks,
pat (in Greece where I have an overabundance of olive oil and coconut oil is v expensive)
Irony is that in may part of the world, Olive oil is super expensive and Coconut oil is comparatively much cheap. 1 liter of Olive Oil would cost almost equal to 4 liters of Coconut Oil.
I don't think mixing up would help. I had a similar experience with my first attempt at CPLS where part of lye water separated out and settled at bottom. unfortunately I've discarded the separated water before seeking advice in this forum. you can read the post here . If you have not done something like that yet, there may be a way out to rescue your batch.

I was advised to discard the lot because of the fact that I've taken out part of the lye water out and what left is soap and unsaponified oils making it oil heavy.