liquid soap... first try

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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i just ordered some KOH and i am going to try a little batch of liquid soap next week. i watched a youtube vid about how to do it and read a bunch of stuff, but i want to double check a couple of things...

is this correct:

-i do not use a superfat
-i need to mix my soap paste with 3 times as much water as paste

also if i want my soap to be thicker, can i add less water or is the 3/1 water/soap paste the "only way" to do it?
does your soap still come out clear? do you still use the borax mix or do you just add water?
krissy said:
does your soap still come out clear? do you still use the borax mix or do you just add water?
It's translucent amber but not clear clear. I don't use borax at all. I just dilute with water.
i am not understanding then. :? half of what i read says to dilute and to use borax, and the other half says to use borax...

i tried doing a search here but, it brings up too many random things about "liquid" rather than liquid soap.

so if i superfat, i don't need to add borax?
do the numbers on soapcalc mean the same basic thing? like if it has a too high cleansing # then i need to bring the coconut amount down etc?
I find Summer Bee Meadow liquid soap calc the most accurate. Ooops! I just pulled up my notes and it says 3% superfat, not 1%.
i saw and *tried* to use them, however they confused the dickens out of me. ok, so if i wanted to try a tiny batch, say 8 oz of soap paste, and i used

10% Castor Oil
20% Coconut Oil
70% Olive Oil
and superfatted at 3%
would this be an ok recipe?

do you see anything that looks off or could/should be changed?

I really appreciate your help Soapbuddy. :)
krissy said:
i saw and *tried* to use them, however they confused the dickens out of me. ok, so if i wanted to try a tiny batch, say 8 oz of soap paste, and i used

10% Castor Oil
20% Coconut Oil
70% Olive Oil
and superfatted at 3%
would this be an ok recipe?

do you see anything that looks off or could/should be changed?

I really appreciate your help Soapbuddy. :)
That should work fine. You're welcome.
Thanks, Dubnica.

I never finished the series. The only thing I could figure out was I got bad KOH from my supplier. I made liquid soap for months...perfectly...then blah! Got frustrated...I'll go back to it.

I would give your recipe a go, Krissy...but...I would double it. I've had so many problems making small batches of liquid soap. With overheating...and just plain wonkiness. Also, you're crock pot risks cracking if it is very empty. Just something to think about.
agriffin said:
Thanks, Dubnica.

I never finished the series. The only thing I could figure out was I got bad KOH from my supplier. I made liquid soap for months...perfectly...then blah! Got frustrated...I'll go back to it.

I would give your recipe a go, Krissy...but...I would double it. I've had so many problems making small batches of liquid soap. With overheating...and just plain wonkiness. Also, you're crock pot risks cracking if it is very empty. Just something to think about.

ok, i will try doubling time :oops: i already did this batch, well, i am doing it now, but even though it has been cooking for a while, i even zap tested-no zap, but when ever i test it, it is still cloudy. i SF'd at 3%- is this why? or does it just need to cook longer? the edges are starting to burn cuz the batch is too small but i dont want to waste any either by not cooking long enough.
I use the Summer Bee cal. too but use a -4% lye super fatting. Then I add borax solution to bring the ph down and to help thicken it up. I find I get pretty clear soap.

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