liquid laundry soap.

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madpiano said:
Mike, how do I do that for an automatic washing machine ?

I am not so worried about scum build-up, thats easily solved with vinegar. I am worried about limescale deposits on the heating elements and other parts of the machine. Thats why I am trying to source the watersoftener to mix with the powder. I am adding Borax and Washing Soda anyway.

If you have hard water to that degree, you might want to consider investing in an inline water softener for your plumbing. They have one that uses rock salt that is just great. There are other types too, if you're concerned about increased sodium intake (or you can drink bottled water).

Another advantage of a water softener is that the rest of your plumbing, not just your washing machine will last much longer without the lime scale. Water heaters last twice as long with soft water.
Mike that would be a great idea, if we wouldn't live in a rented house and with Victorian plumbing (yes we still have lead pipes).

Hard water leaches less lead out of the pipes, the more acid water is, the more lead get's leached. Thankfully the kitchen plumbing is copper, so we don't have to worry about cooking with the water.
The borax is a water softener, so maybe just use some extra of that?
Welder what about making a dry laundry soap? Grate the hard soap and then add Borax & washing soda? Just a thought...
Lindaly....u mean to use NaOH soap?
Simple basic sodium soap with out suprfat and e.oil. .can b use in grated form with borax and soda??? Isn't it??
Lindy....u mean to use NaOH soap?
Simple basic sodium soap with out suprfat and e.oil. .can b use in grated form with borax and soda??? Isn't it??

Since Lindy hasn't been here in a while, I'll jump in:

Yes. There are a lot of people who use bar soap to make their laundry detergent. There are a lot of recipes for making it.

If you keep searching the forum for "laundry soap" or "laundry detergent" you will find some much newer posts with tips a recipes.