liquid laundry soap with KOH?

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
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has anyone made liquid laundry soap with KOH?

I'm wanting to make some laundry soap for my mom who is having problems with detergents. Whenever I've made laundry det. before I've made it with NaOH, and shredded up really fine with borax added.

But my mom would prefer a liquid laundry soap so I'm thinking mostly lard with coconut with a zero % superfat. I'll probably do this in the crockpot today. What do you think?
I am waiting for my KOH and I am trying liquid soap. Failor's book has a recipe for 100% CO
48oz CO
14oz KOH
42oz soft or distilled water
It states it is a high foaming soap excellent for hard and salt waters.

Let us know how your laundry soap turns out :D

Yeah, I have failors book here, but for the other laundry soap I always used lard, so I combined roughly 70% lard, and 30% coconut.

I mixed it earlier, brought it to trace and just let it set in the crockpot (turned off) while I went and ran some errands. I just got back a few min ago, and turned the cp on low. It's really thick like taffy right now. I took a pic of the "taffy" :lol:

Just sitting around waiting for it to do it's thing....and from what I hear it's gonna be a long wait. :) I will def let you all know how it turns out.
Can't wait to see how it goes , my order was just delivered , I can't wait to try it.

Well, get soapin kitn! :D

The cook is finished, I'm diluting 2 lbs of paste right now with 18 oz of water. I know that takes hours too. I don't expect it to finish tonight. I may have to turn the cp off and start it back up in the morning. Boy that paste is THICK! I'll definitely let you know how it goes.
I dunno about that Donnie, I think this is the way it is with liquid soap. You have to make a paste and dilute it. I think if you add more water up front the lye solution would be much weaker, and it would take forever to react.

I conjured up this recipe:

22 Lard
10 Coconut
7.2 KOH
22 oz water
update this morning......It was suggested on another forum that you take the soap paste and multiply by 1.3 to get the water amount for the dilution. It was clear to me last night that the amt of water I added wasn't nearly enough, so before I went to bed, I added more water.

So I have 2 lbs of soap paste in there, and added a total of 40 oz of water. I turned the cp off and went to bed for the night, and when I got up this morning, the soap looked much better. Last night, huge chunks of undesolved soap paste. Today, medium to small chunks of soap paste. I turned it back on low and I'm just gonna let it do it's thing today.
I just made liquid soap using 100% coconut oil and KOH. My aim was to make bubbly dishwashing liquid and perhaps laundry soap as well out of it. I had 40 oz. of coconut oil to work with, so I went to to find the amounts of water and KOH and plugged in zero super-fat. My last batch of liquid soap before this was too oily for washing dishes.

I neutralized the cooked paste with borax and boiling water and diluted with 40 oz. of boiling distilled water. I brought the whole mixture to a boil, turned off heat, mashed the paste with a potato masher, and let sit for a few hours. I then skimmed off white congealed top and found beautiful translucent amber liquid underneath.

This batch came out really well (used oven process for 1st time - fast!!), but my problem with using for laundry soap is that it seems quite expensive compared to the method of grating homemade zero fat CP soap, Fels Naptha or Zote and adding a cup each of borax and washing soda, which is really cheap. Of course, maybe I wouldn't need to use much; I don't know.

I'm going to try a couple of loads of laundry with it and will report.

Thanks for posting your experience Donna! I think next time it will def be 100% coconut, or I'll convince my mom that this was too much work and she'll have to use a powder version with shreded soap, borax and washing soda.
Wouldn't it make sense to make a liquid dish/laundry soap from a thinner, cheaper oil like canola or soy? I'm just curious why you'd use a more expensive oil like CO.
because coconut has more lather = more cleansing
and also coconut has a longer shelf life.
OK; I did some laundry with the liquid coconut KOH soap and it seems to do a fine job of washing.

It also does a great job washing dishes. By the way, I added lemon essential oil due to its grease-cutting properties. However, when I squeeze the liquid soap onto a sponge I get lots of long-lasting white lather, but when I squirt it into the sink and add hot water I don't get much lather. Also the water turns milky. It still does a great job on the dishes as long as I apply the liquid to the sponge.

Any thoughts on ways to add more lather producing qualities besides as SLS?


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