Liquid Fabric Softener

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Nov 24, 2008
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Don't know if this is the right place for this kind of inquiry, but I'm going to post it anyway.

I've made some homemade laundry soap about two weeks ago and I have always used a generic brand of fabric softener and just used the last little bit of what I had.

I've been reading up on some recipes on homemade fabric softeners. I read that one can use like a cup of straight, undiluted vinegar in the rinse cycle on the washing machine.

Has anyone used vinegar when you washed your clothes? If so, does it have that vinegary smell have you have dried your clothes?

Any comments appreciated

I use it frequently. It's a great softener, and efficiently breaks down the laundry detergent, removing the residue from your clothes, i.e., keeping the colors bright and the whites white.

There is no smell - once it's completely dry.
I love using vinegar as a fabric softener, I think it works great! I use about a third of a cup in the liquid fabric softener dispenser in my washing machine and top the rest off with water. You can use a Downy ball if you don't have an automatic dispenser.

There is no vinegary smell whatsoever.

FYI...vinegar is also an awesome substitute for Jet Dry, or whatever rinse aid you may use in your dishwasher.
fabric softener

I take whatever brand liquid softener I like or use - and I take an old washcloth and I lay it on an old plate - I then pour the liquid all over a washcloth - I use white and a new one - you can use anything - then I flip it over and the same to the other side. I let that dry - sometimes it will take overnite to dry completely. Then I use that for a fabric softener sheet. When it washcloth starts to turn white again - I repeat it all over again. One time of this - lasts me about 20 louds. I read this on a tip site one time and have been doing it ever since. Saves me a ton of money - plus I also do the Vinegar thing - that works great too!
You can scent your vinegar with EO's if you like a little scent......just make sure to shake the bottle very well before adding to your wash.
I use white, but I ran out once and used 'the Mother'. Worked, but too costly.

I prefer not to use commercial Downey type softeners, especially sheets, on most of my laundry. You know that oily smear they can leave on things? That gets cooked into the fabric of your clothes as they dry. Breaks down the fibers and dulls the color. Now sheets - must have sweet smelling downey fresh sheets. Just saying.

I've always read in recipes that you can use distilled white vinegar; but my question was -- would using distilled white vinegar leave that vinegary smell when you're done washing your clothes?
I have never had a problem with my clothes smelling like vinegar. I do, however add lavender EO to I usually have more of a lavender smell
I use plain white vinegar in the wash. I have a 6 month old puppy who is not fully house trained yet. She still wets her crate blankets occasionally. The vinegar is wonderful for getting all the urine smell out of her blankets....leaves them smelling fresh. I just add a cup to the washer, then dry as normal. :D

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