It's been a long time since this thread was used, but today I had a very upsetting hour as a result of some 'system error' at Amazon.
I received an email dated yesterday that they have charged me again for something I sent back to them in December 2021, which was not what I had bought & paid for on Dec. 3, 2021. What I ordered was not what was delivered, so I contacted them immediately (took photos of course) and was sent a replacement immediately. I returned the incorrect item (a smaller sized tablet of lesser value and less features, etc.) which had been delivered on Dec 5. The replacement item was delivered to me on Dec. 7, so very prompt service. I was very happy with the prompt service, at that time.
The UPS guy was a pain, showed up but was angry I had not left the package (unattended) on my porch, but had to chase him into the street to give it to him. Told him 'No way I'm leaving such an expensive item unattended on the doorstep'. I was told by the Amazon representative I had spoken with on the phone to schedule the return that UPS would let me know upon arrival because I was not comfortable leaving something so expensive unattended on my doorstep. He didn't; I was just paying attention and saw him leaving my property.
Because of that interaction, I tracked the package to be sure it was returned and therefore I kept a digital copy of the Proof of Delivery on my computer. The return was delivered to them on Dec. 9, 2021. Thankfully I have that.
Well, first I called and spoke with a woman who didn't share all the information Amazon has on this purchase, return and replacement and double charge issue. She asked if I had a receipt from the UPS guy and then also told me the order is too old to find information so she was submitting it for investigation. But when she asked me for the order number I gave her the replacement order number, not the original order number, which I only realized after we were off the phone. So I called back and spoke to someone else. The second lady told me more information. She told me they did have that information, including the tracking number of the return, which the first lady said they did not have. But she did not tell me they had a copy of the Proof of Delivery. So after we got off the phone and found that I do have a digital copy of the Proof of Delivery, I called back yet again and spoke to a 3rd CSR. Well, when I asked if I should email them a copy of the Proof of Delivery of the return that I have from UPS, he told me they already had that, too! So I asked, then why was a charged again for the purchase I already paid for over 6 months ago and he said it was probably a system error.
OMG, it was like pulling teeth! Anyway, I am much more confident that my additional charge will be refunded to me, now that I know they have all that information. No one on the phone ever actually challenged that I had sent the return, but that email saying they were charging me again claiming I had not returned the item was really upsetting because, hey it's a lot of money and UPS provided me with proof of delivery!
And would they have refunded my money if I had not contacted them? Of course not. So how could the system make this error when all the information is already in the system in the first place? So frustrating, and yet another example of why it is so important to keep a close eye on all things financial, including reading emails in a timely way in order to catch these kinds of things, frustrating though they may be.