Lemon twist

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Mostly Harmless
Feb 27, 2016
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Sol system, Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
Can you see the swirls? The "Lemon Twist" FO discolored a light yellow. No acceleration. The scent is lemon-ish. OOB it's kind of like lemon candy. Now, it's a little like lemon Pledge. We'll see how it changes over time. I was also testing "lemon chiffon" mica. It is very pale. After mixing it in to part of thre batter, the color turned pale orange. Now that it's settled down a little, I have a yellow on yellow swirl. It's not a green as the picture suggests, but is a light yellow on real life. I like the effect, but the FO is not (yet) what I had hoped for. (Mica and FO were both from Nurture and arrived at my door so quickly!) ETA: maybe it smells more Limoncello than Pledge.

I like subtlety, too. I love a white-on-white bar and the high/low water batches I've seen. I think the lighter yellow must be the mica-- it has a sort of shimmer to it. That was one of two fragrance test batches. I'm hoping to cut the other this morning. If I'm a good girl, maybe I can make s third batch today.
I like the high-low water same tone color scheme look! Very delicate and simple. Now I want some lemoncello!!! Bet it will cure out better smell.
And I live your clean cut edge!!! Even with a wire cutter, my soap won't come out this beautifully cut. May I ask if this is a less-hard-oil recipe?
I like the high-low water same tone color scheme look! Very delicate and simple. Now I want some lemoncello!!! Bet it will cure out better smell.
And I live your clean cut edge!!! Even with a wire cutter, my soap won't come out this beautifully cut. May I ask if this is a less-hard-oil recipe?

Yes-- 15% coconut is all the hard oil in this one.
Aw, I'm sorry that happened, it was very delicate and pretty. Sometime try BB's "Meyer Lemon". It is a tangy lemon - quite pleasant to me - and it discolors my normal recipe only to a slight yellowish which easily takes other colors. Some report the scent fades but that hasn't been a problem for me at 5-7%. So far it's one of only a few FO's that I want in my staple collection.
Sometime try BB's "Meyer Lemon". It is a tangy lemon - quite pleasant to me - and it discolors my normal recipe only to a slight yellowish which easily takes other colors. Some report the scent fades but that hasn't been a problem for me at 5-7%. So far it's one of only a few FO's that I want in my staple collection.

Thanks for that. I would love a lemony lemon and an orangey orange. Grapefruit is another one that I'd like to find. So far, all the citrus I find smells like candy.
Quick update on the Lemon Twist. Since DH doesn't mind the fragrance, he's got a tester in the shower. The scent is now a sort of spicy lemon. Like some kind of lemon pastry, maybe. As the humidity in the shower rises, the bar weeps sad brown tears. As the environment dries out, it stops weeping.
So, it's a couple of days later. I thought you might like to see what the "Lemon Twist" did over the weekend; it's really changed! The FO description said "light discoloration." So far, this is the darkest discoloration I've had. It's not a very pretty soap at this point.

My soap scented with lemon twist discolored to beige. I had colored with yellow vibrance mica from Nurture so now mine is the exact color of Gulden's spicy brown mustard. :sick: I agree that the fragrance smells like limoncello, maybe with a hint of something herbal in it. I really like the fragrance, but the discoloration leaves something to be desired for sure. It seems to be holding after 6 weeks of curing.
My soap scented with lemon twist discolored to beige. I had colored with yellow vibrance mica from Nurture so now mine is the exact color of Gulden's spicy brown mustard. :sick: I agree that the fragrance smells like limoncello, maybe with a hint of something herbal in it. I really like the fragrance, but the discoloration leaves something to be desired for sure. It seems to be holding after 6 weeks of curing.

Do you have a picture? I am curious to see how it looks compared to mine. Have you tested it yet?
Another weird thing: I made two batches just a day apart. The batter recipe was identical, the molds were both lined Pringles cans. Batch one was scented with Nurture's Satsuma orange, and colored with Mango Tango. Batch two was this one, Lemon Twist with lemon chiffon mica. Neither batch accelerated. Batch one was soft for a few days. Batch two was hard and ready to come out of the mold the same day I poured it.
Do you have a picture? I am curious to see how it looks compared to mine. Have you tested it yet?

I don't have a picture of it, but I will take one and post it. :) I have not tried it out yet. I usually give everything an 8 week cure just for general purposes; but it's been 6 weeks, so I'll give it a try and see how it performs. :mrgreen:

Also I have noticed that soaps scented with satsuma orange from Nurture tend to stay soft for longer. However, I love the fragrance so it's a slight inconvenience I'm willing to put up with. The bars do cure out nice and firm in the end however.

Here are the promised pics of the discolored lemon twist, including my failed gradient pour. :( I tried washing my hands with a bar of it, and it's actually quite nice soap. However, once it's wet it seems to lose most of the lemon scent, and I get the spicy notes that you spoke about.


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