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The "flavor" of the bars will be going in the top green rectangle. I totally forgot about it also bit I did mess with that idea and it looks like it will work.

I also liked number 3. It does seem weird to me to have the logo be a different font but I guess that has been done many times before. Plus I feel that number 3 font still looks good with the logo.

Here is the other idea I had. This will be the "bottom" that gets folded under the bar to close the bottom and even add some additional support. I also placed the text on top to show where the name of the soap will go. :)
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yea....I get annoyed when things like font doesn't match, but I find in this case, if you use the same font as the logo, it doesn't look manly enough.
Well I am loving the feed back and I am really liking where this is heading. I made some additional changes also. This is where I am at with it right now.

I am still toying with the idea of text #7 that I posted. I keep looking at it and the more I look at it the more interested I am in with playing with it. Well for tonight its time to head to bed. I will keep you all posted and thanks again for all the feed back. It's greatly appreciated.
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text #7 was my other choice! I like the two. maybe try that one out with the whole label to compare the two?
"...and using some of the finest shaving product available...."

Should be productS given that you are using the word "some" as well. Or you could just say "...using the finest shaving product..." and that would be grammatically correct too.

I'll guarantee any guy over 50 will have trouble reading print that tiny, even with reading glasses. If you want your story to appeal to the older well-heeled crowd as well as the 20 and 30 somethings, you might want to shorten the story to the essential elements and increase the font size. Something maybe like this:

There was a man, not just any man, but a manly
gentleman kind of man. One day
he created soaps that
address the needs of men. We men don't want to
smell like melons, flowers and sunshine; we need manly products. Wave your manly flag by having your
own “C8 Soap for men” in your bathroom.

Uh, I have to ask ... is the "manly flag" phrase intended to have the double meaning that I read into it? :)

And also, I would be careful to walk the delicate line between the message of ~men~ being tough versus your ~soaps~ being tough. The second message might be interpreted by your manly men to mean your soaps are harsh enough to scrub the hide right off a hardworking manly guy. A tough guy wants a soap that smells manly good and gets him clean and unstinky after a long day of doing manly man things, but I suspect very few would want a soap that would leaving manly skin feeling irritated and dry.
I like 3 and 7. I’d also move the black line below the flavor down a touch, right now it feels a little too crowded to me. But other than that it looks great!
I like #3 too!
This label is just perfect! I love products with story and attitude! It looks very professional!
I wouldn't think twice about buying this kind of soaps for all manly men in my family :)
OK so we got a lot going on here. First off I don't know if I made the idea of how I would separate the different soaps from the others. So to give you all some visuals, here is my idea.
So lets say I have one called "Golden Glitter Pony" (which is not happening by the way. That is my attempt at being funny...anyway I would put this kind of wrapper on it.

Then it could do the same if I wanted to because a certain fragrance gets used. So lets say I have one that uses the "Armani Aqua Di Gio" Fragrance, and there will be one of those, then I could do something like this...

Now to address some of the other things pointed out earlier. Lets see if I can remember them all...
* Bring down the top black bar to make some room for the "flavor" (check)
* Make font bigger in "The Beginnings" story and shorten it to make it possible. (check) I also added and subtracted elements in the story.
* Find a way of still incorporating "The Beginnings" title. (my idea)(check)
* Shrink down the Crazy8 Creations copyright to make room for the story (my idea)(check)
* Make "this stuff is so manly..." text on side of box a larger font also (my idea)(check)
* I also just changed the "The Beginnings" to a "stencil" type font, kind of like what you see when "TOP SECRET" is used. Looks very much like that.

Well, its great to see this transform along the way. Well give me some thoughts on all of this. :) You guys have all been very helpful in the transformation of all of this. Of course I am not a writer or grammatically correct when I write, so those things are also appreciated. Hopefully I don't have to many errors in this version of the story. Here it is.
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Uh, I have to ask ... is the "manly flag" phrase intended to have the double meaning that I read into it? :)

And also, I would be careful to walk the delicate line between the message of ~men~ being tough versus your ~soaps~ being tough. The second message might be interpreted by your manly men to mean your soaps are harsh enough to scrub the hide right off a hardworking manly guy. A tough guy wants a soap that smells manly good and gets him clean and unstinky after a long day of doing manly man things, but I suspect very few would want a soap that would leaving manly skin feeling irritated and dry.

I noticed I did not answer your question. No, the "manly flag" was not meant to have a double meaning. After going through and reading everything over and over again, I cant help but to think that

Also I changed "tough" to "strong". I figure "tough" could go in a number of undesirable ways, but that "strong" is a bit of a nicer word and in this scenario would be "strong" enough to get rid of all the stank and filth. One of the ways that "tough" could be interpreted is if we think of "tough" man, we do think big and strong but we also think of him as rough and maybe even bully like. Of course no one would like a soap like that and rip their skin to shreds. Though it could easily be arranged if they did and had some pretty gnarly skin.:smile:
Well I thought I would transfer my current design over to my shaving soap. I know that the tins are 3" across. Here is what I currently have.

Of course the original design...

The bottom

Then I thought that maybe I should do some slightly different color options to make the shaving soaps stand out from the bar soap. I can still apply color to an element in the lable to distinguish its "flavor"
Idea 1

Idea 2

Not really sure what to do with the outlined text. I may have to keep it that way but not sure yet. I do like how it looks. I may just bring it down from a 2px outline to a 1px outline
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Where are you going to put your ingredients for your shave soap?

Well I haven't posted that image because there is nothing really on it other than "ingredients" and at the end "made by a man for a man" and that's it. Its going to be a label that is 1" high and about 8 inches long. It will wrap around the outside of the 3" tins that the shave soap will go into.
Ok, Im setting myself up to get laughed at here, but I am going to post it anyway. I have had these ideas for a looong time and I am just now coming up with ideas for the wrappers. So any help and thoughts on these are of course much appreciated. I think as far as designs go, I feel I am heading in the right direction. Of course my only huge flaw is writing. Anyway let me know what you all think...

Here is the one that may get some laughs, but hey, people are going crazy for zombie stuff right now so I can bank on it too. ;)

Here is one that is a little more practical I guess. I have read that two great scent to use in hunting style soaps is either the apple explosion or anise. I am going to do both.
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Hi C8

Just thought that, as you're in the US, putting something about the bubbles having testosterone, while clearly tongue-in-cheek, might well get you asked for proof of that claim. Seeing as it is the land of lawyers.........

Maybe something else manly? Beards, maybe? It's then unarguably in the same league as Redbull giving you wings.
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Not that I am disputing this at all, I totally see where you are coming from and I think you make a valid point. However, would anyone, including the FDA, actually think that there would be testosterone in the bubbles? lol I suppose I could say something like "So manly, the bubbles might as well have testosterone." but that doesn't quite roll the same. I will keep your suggestion in mind and see what I can come up with just in case.

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