I use Microsoft Office Publisher. It's intuitive (a big plus for a computer impaired person like me :wink: ), versatile, easy peasy to use, and fun to play with.
I've been experimenting with labeling and have to say that MS Publisher was by far the easiest to manipulate for this purpose. Basically to make a cigar band type of label you just set the page to "landscape" (so it's sideways) and then make 3-4 columns which will in effect be the "bands" you will cut out and wrap around your soap. From there you just play around with spacing (use the rulers in Publisher) until it fits your soap size.
Truly, just start playing with it and you'll eventually come up with a system that works for your particular style and soap size/etc.
I was so intimidated by the labeling thing until I just dove in started playing around. And of course, don't use expensive paper until you're happy with your design
And you can pre-wrap your soap (like a gift) in another paper, or just use the cigar band by itself. Lots of options that way as well.