Kremelta - vegetable shortening ??

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Could you list it half and half on soap calc , does it tell the amounts of each?

Good for you , sometimes you just have to go ahead and try it ..Can't wait to see pictures .. :D

Kremelta should be put through soapcalc as coconut 76. It is exactly the same as "Copha" that we have over here, it's just coconut oil, with the soybean lecithin in it, but i have researched it and have it on good authority that to just put it through soapcalc as coconut.
Hope your soap turns out nice.
artisan soaps said:

I decided to treat/calculate it the same as coconut oil and made the batch 30% Kremelta, 70% OO, and 8% superfatted .. Unless someone tells me otherwise I think it should be ok :roll:

The 'Turkish Hazelnut Cafe' FO (ordered from Big Tree Supplies in Australia) behaved beautifully, not thickening trace at all so I'll try swirling with it next time .. And I'll post photo's when I cut so you can all see the results for yourself :D

Thanks for the info on the Turkish Hazelnut Cafe. Can't wait to see your pictures!
NO worries, I have used "copha", our version of Kremelta to make soap with in a pinch when I have run out of supplies.
Upon researching it, I found that they are both made by the same company, it's exactly the same product, just brand named differently in our different countries.
It's also good to use for whipped soap if you ever have the urge.