Kitchen soap: Citrus blend or Coffee?

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May 4, 2009
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Kitchen soap: Citrus blend or Coffee? pics added!

which do you prefer for a kitchen soap? A citrus blend or a coffee soap? I have made both before, but it's been some time and I can't remember which one I liked more LOL!

The coffee soap, I replaced all of the water with coffee, and added some coffee grounds to it to for a bit of scrubby effect. I left it unscented.

The Citrus blend had Orange, Lemon, grapefruit and lemongrass eo's and I think I added some poppy seeds. The olive was also infused with annatto seeds and it made a beautiful yellow/orange color.
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I really like to use citrus scents in the kitchen. They just smell so fresh and clean. Coffee sounds nice, but the citrus really cuts through that "dishes in the sink" smell.
I think the reason for the coffee in kitchen soaps is that there is magic in the coffee that is supposed to neutralize garlic and onion smells. And by magic I mean something I don't really understand and haven't put to practical testing but shamelessly tell the people I give my coffee kitchen soap to.
When I was an undergrad and working up a bazillion fish a day, we would get the odor and slime off of our hands by scrubbing the used damp coffee grounds, and the half lemon or orange rinds left after juicing. So I vote for both citrus and coffee grounds in the same soap :)
When I was an undergrad and working up a bazillion fish a day, we would get the odor and slime off of our hands by scrubbing the used damp coffee grounds, and the half lemon or orange rinds left after juicing. So I vote for both citrus and coffee grounds in the same soap :)


Make the coffee soap, scented this time with the citrus EOs.
Thank you everyone who replied! I don't know why it didn't occur to me to put the citrus EO's in the coffee soap! DUH! Guess what I'll be making tonight?? :)
Just put my kitchen soap to bed. I did a one pound batch to use that lovely new small loaf mold dh got me from WSP!

This one has Olive, Lard, Palm Coconut, Castor and Shea Butter. Coffee substituted for the water, Cofee grounds added at trace, scented with Orange EO, Lemongrass EO, Grapefruit EO, and Lemon EO.

It's a beautiful caramel color, and I had to really resist the temptation to eat it LOL! Uploads/20141227_204517_zpszhu6cp5j.jpg.html
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Sorry I tried to post the pic in the last reply but it was HUGE no matter what I did to resize it, it kept coming back huge! At any rate, without further ado

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