Just to give you an idea of the heat we have here in Aus...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
I have a dedicated soap cupboard where I store all my oils and butters. Next to that I have a dedicated curing rack.
Over the summer months (we have just come into Autumn) my palm kernel oil and cocoa butter melted at room temp to liquid.
No wonder I was sweating like a hot pig. :lol:
It is springtime here in New Mexico, and I wonder if my cocoa butter will melt too! It easily gets up to 45C here in the summer.

But it's a dry heat... :roll:
I can only take heat if it's humid. Yes, I'm odd. Dry heat makes my heart race and my blood pressure go through the roof. Go figure.

And I'm NOT fond of being cold. Or even cool. AC is NOT my friend!

Gimme hazy, hot and humid any day!
Hi Carebear,

Then you should come over here in Hong Kong, for the past week we have humidity of 100% and foggy, very bad for our soap. It is only today we started to see some clear sky and lower humidity. I'm glad that those days are over for the time being but we are expecting high humid again next week.

Hello ChrissyB, yes Oz can be very hot in summer. When I was living in Canberra, I remembered, it got up to 47C.
Holy crap! Your cocoa butter melted??!! The joys of NSW summers huh? Brisbane doesn't get all that hot,mid 30's usually,but humid! All my soaps're sticky n there's an inland sea where I left the salt bars curing.And there is gekko ****. EVERYWHERE!! :p
Yep we get the high humidity too, while I agree it's preferential to the dry heat, the humidity is pretty hard to handle sometimes. It gets quite oppressing.
Imagine how hot it gets out in the middle of NT and SA, i've read that the temps can hit the 60's in the day time,and drop to the 40's at night, and that would be that really dry hazy heat. I don't think I could stand it.

That's HOT, HOT, HOT. Woa.

On the occasional day or sometimes week that it gets very hot and humid here in Toronto, I've seen my finished soap perspire and get mushy in the soap dish. I've never had the oils melt though and we don't have AC.

But I spent a month in Singapore in October and I cannot say that even our hottest days compare with the heat in that region. But I was happier (there) in that bright sunlight; I got lots of vitamin D.

Yes, I imagine even with AC it is hard on the oils.

My husband goes back and forth to Australia from Singapore and he fills me in on the weather, but I know there are regional differences.

Stay cool all,


Love this forum and all the people I am meeting.
Please, feel free to keep it there! :lol: We're actually getting a real spring right now - temps around 10-12 with sunshine, and I'm loving it! Don't like heat and humidity, uh-uh, no way.

At least out here in the country, the air is reasonably clean and there's usually a breeze.
Thats pretty dang hot for CB to melt. Its just now gettin to be Srpting here in the states (Virginia) im tired of winter. The warmest its been this week is 67F. :D i cant function in the cold. Give me a sweltering day and im happy :p . if need be i can make room for my soap in the fridge.
There was a sudden temp drop here in Hong Kong the past two days. It was nice and warm over the weekend around 26C. Then suddenly the next day it was 8C when I woke up. However it is warming up again today with a morning temp of 14C. I hate winter!
I was not made for significant hot or cold. Thank goodness the climate around here is very moderate (BC). Although my hard oils are pretty much always rock hard.
Well we've just come into Autumn here, or Fall if you like. It's a bit cooler. We've had a fair bit of rain over the last few weeks, but today is fine and sunny with a bit of wind.
Every year summer seems hotter and hotter, but maybe that's the Pommie (English) in me coming out, or I'm getting older and older.
The humidity always seems quite high here, I've tried making bath bombs in all seasons and have not been successful once. I've tried a myriad of different recipes, and they never work.
I live in a rain`forest but manage to make bath bombs fine. I think it's because we have cooler humidity, rather than hotter. And oh is it humid, lakes, ocean, rain, rivers.
ChrissyB said:
Imagine how hot it gets out in the middle of NT and SA, i've read that the temps can hit the 60's in the day time,and drop to the 40's at night, and that would be that really dry hazy heat. I don't think I could stand it.

My hat's off to those that live and work in that heat. And to our pioneer women who came from much colder climes,went to the outback and had to wear those long dresses with bustles & petticoats & sleeves & high collars,and worked so bloody hard dawn til dusk. I just flat out couldn't do it.
ChrissyB said:
Me either. No way.
I was so jealous a few weeks back when all the US'ers were talking about how much snow they were getting. Not fair!!

Tell you what - next time I have to spend three days trying to dig my school bus out of one metre snowdrifts, in -30C windchills, you can come and help me! :lol:
Half Caper Farm said:
ChrissyB said:
Me either. No way.
I was so jealous a few weeks back when all the US'ers were talking about how much snow they were getting. Not fair!!

Tell you what - next time I have to spend three days trying to dig my school bus out of one metre snowdrifts, in -30C windchills, you can come and help me! :lol:

After finishing with you, come here. We got two feet of snow. We cleared that. No problem.

Then the winds whipped up to 50 miles an hour. Which, of course, blew 3 feet of snowdrifts in the area we had cleared. Um...ok, now where exactly do we go with that...?

Fortunately the weather turned from February to April here and it's already almost gone.