Juice ????

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Jul 13, 2012
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Yakima WA.
I really am wanting to make a Pina Colada soap with out fragrance Oil.
Ok so here is my ?
If I take and add Pinapple juice after trace could I keep the pineapple scent after trace and If I also add Coconut Milk in luie ofvegtable milk in a milk based soap would I end up with a very mild pna colada smell?
anyone else try?
I wondered because I have seen grapefruit Juice soap so wondered if it would work with PINEAPPLE
Anyone who has ever tried this please respond cause i have really had a hard time finding this!

I'm not sure about the pineapple juice leaving any fragrance in the soap or not but I can tell you that the coconut milk doesn't smell like coconut milk in the finished soap so I don't think you will get the Pina Colada scent you are after without adding fragrance.
Unfortunately, the scent won't come through I'm afraid. What normally happens with soaps made with juices is that the lye reacts with them and causes them to actually smell kinda nasty or ammonia-like as you are mixing them in. The unpleasant smell cures out, though, and leaves you with a neutral smelling soap (unless you scent it with an EO or FO). The only way I know of to get the particular kind of scent you're looking for is to use an FO.

IrishLass :)
Unfortunately, I agree with 17soaps and Irishlass. The coconut milk will smell nasty in the short term and neutral in the long term. The pineapple juice is also acidic and if used in large quantities could affect the final consistency of your soap.

I wish there was a pineapple EO out there. If you decide to try a FO, Oregon Trails makes a good pineapple. BBs Pineapple Cilantro is also nice.

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