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Jan 11, 2009
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I made a 5 lb batch on Sunday, had a funnel swirl planned but the FO siezed and I just had to scoop everything into the mold and my colors were all funky and it was UGLY! So for rebatching, I just grated it all up and have it in the oven on 150ish. I did not add any extra water,it was really soft afte rI grated it, will this work?
It depends on what happened when it seized and whether it's mixed completely. If there were lye pockets, I wouldn't risk it. You could have a nasty surprise in the soap.

You will have to test it to know if it worked.

Good luck with your soap!
I zap tested it and it was fine, just ugly! I used these dye chips and they weren't melted all the way I guess so I had these little flecks of color all throughout and I just didn't like it. Its in th eoven now and it looks likei t's doing what it's suppoosed to do, I did add a few Tbsp. of water.
yikes, what happens when it seizes? i was going to do swirl yesterday but after i added fo, it got so thick so fast, it was crazy, only some swirls on top!
Bdmama - you did the right thing although you didn't need to add any fluid when it is this fresh. Even when there are lye pockets present it you have grated or chopped it the soap will be safe. Rebtaching can be your friend and you can create some really funky soaps - it's how I made my soap stones.....

Please post pictures when it's cut so we can see it. Another advantage of the rebatch is that you can use it right away too - just like HP.

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