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Supporting Member
May 6, 2015
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I think I am ready to share what I have going on. Last Tuesday I slipped off a step and broke my ankle and both of my feet. I had surgery on my ankle on Friday and was able to be transferred home yesterday. I can’t bear any weight on my ankle for at least 10 weeks, but fortunately I can bear weight on my other foot as long as I am wearing a cam boot. PT will come here but that is yet to be arranged. We were able to borrow a hospital bed and all the other equipment from a friend who had a catastrophic leg injury. Moving around is still very difficult, but I am working on figuring it out. My hubby has been wonderful. He even washed my dirty soap dishes.💕 Obviously I won’t be making any soap for a couple of months, so I am looking forward to seeing lots of pictures from you all. Don’t be offended if I don’t remember to comment or give a like though. I’m not operating on all cylinders at the moment.
Nasty, must have been a big step. At least you can hobble around the house on one foot, to get to the bathroom when needed, that's a positive. You can't soap, but try crocheting that will keep you occupied through the pain. Looks like hubby is on cooking, cleaning duty for a while.
Oh no, I am so, so sorry to hear this news 😟😟😟. I noticed that you haven’t been around much but thought that maybe you were all consumed with making soap for the other soap challenge, or doing things with family. If I was anywhere near MN, I would bring you soup, or a casserole or a cake. Please take good care and heal quickly. Sending {{{big hugs}}}
Oh no. So sorry to hear about your accident. Sending lots of quick healing mojo. Hope you feel better soon.

Might be time to catch up on some of the books you have been meaning to read.
Oh no! — what a nightmare. As Relle said, if you are able to drag yourself to the bathroom, that will be such a blessing as you heal (along with that wonderfully helpful husband!). Hope the bones knit quickly and the time zooms by! 🙏 🤞
Ohhh… I am so sorry. Just saw this on FB. 10 weeks is such a long haul, I hope you have lots of loving support, I’m sure you do. Well, lots of YouTube soap videos maybe?
I wish I could bring you a casserole. Or hot dish as my husband would say.
I am thinking of you. ❤️
Oh @dibbles! I am so sorry to hear this. Be patient and easy on yourself through your healing and recovery. I’m sure it won’t be easy to be in pain and need help from others - but now is the time to ring the little bell and allow others to assist you. Sending lots of good thoughts, a virtual Baked Ziti and Chocolate Butter Cream Frosted Cake your way. Hugs! 🌸
I think I am ready to share what I have going on. Last Tuesday I slipped off a step and broke my ankle and both of my feet. I had surgery on my ankle on Friday and was able to be transferred home yesterday. I can’t bear any weight on my ankle for at least 10 weeks, but fortunately I can bear weight on my other foot as long as I am wearing a cam boot. PT will come here but that is yet to be arranged. We were able to borrow a hospital bed and all the other equipment from a friend who had a catastrophic leg injury. Moving around is still very difficult, but I am working on figuring it out. My hubby has been wonderful. He even washed my dirty soap dishes.💕 Obviously I won’t be making any soap for a couple of months, so I am looking forward to seeing lots of pictures from you all. Don’t be offended if I don’t remember to comment or give a like though. I’m not operating on all cylinders at the moment.
Ouch ouch ouch ouch. Just work on getting better. Everything else can wait.
I hate that happened. My husband broke his ankle in May of 2020. His doctor said no weight on that ankle for 10 weeks. Just like yours. He has three metal plates and thirteen screws. He broke all three bones that hold the ankle together. The doctor told him that putting weight on it might not hurt and he might think it was ok but that any weight could cause it to move and not heal correctly. Then he would later have pain and other problems with that ankle. Maybe even require another surgery. Simple things we don’t think about like sitting on the toilet. Ok. That might be too much info. lol My point is be very careful. lol My husband did as he was told and I made double sure of it. lol He didn‘t have any trouble until a couple of weeks ago when he made several trips up and down a ladder. So he knows that’s going to be something he shouldn’t do. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
So sorry to hear this! I broke both ankles back in 2000. The thing that saved me was a borrowed wheelchair. Since then I have had several operations and a knee scooter with a basket was very helpful. Other than that, it’s just time and healing. Not going to tell you it doesn’t suck because it does. I found TV and crafts I could do while sitting were a great distraction. Hang in there.

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