Is it worth it.......

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
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I made some lip balm with coconut flavour oil....
it stinks.

not only does it no longer smell ANYTHING like coconut.. it just plain stinks.

And I made like 50 of them.
What the heck should I do with them?

I have considered cleaning out each little tube.
Melt them each, and put them in a bowl, add more flavour oil and see if that fixes the problem.

Seems like such a waste to throw them all out =(
I'd give them away, but I'm telling you, they stink.
stink. stank. stunk.

I am using it anyways, myself.. but its going to take me ages to go through 50 of them.

do you just suck it up and throw it out??
did you use coconut oil, or coconut flavored oil?

I tried the coconut flavor from get suckered, it was awful. I tossed the batch. Hadn't considered cleaning out the tubes. Has anyone done that? What would the contaminates be? Can they be boiled? Reused?

Carebear might know, I've heard she's aces in the lip balm department.
Trying to remember where I got it from... I'll check the bottle when i get home. I think it was from Canwax (here in canada). And its just terrible.

It smells like coconut from the bottle.. after like a day or two.. bleh!

And yeah, it was coconut flavoured oil, not just coconut oil....

I would assume that you'd have to clean them out, and then boil them and then dip them in a bleach solution or something.. I'm just picturing myself cleaning out 50 tiny little tubes and I want to cry.. lol
just my opinion..but is it worth your sanity to clean them out? I know my time has a value.
Naw, not worth it.

But the real question is - what happened? I mean, a flavor oil shouldn't go "off" like that, so was there something in your formula that did?

Have you made this with other flavors? Or with no flavor at all?

Where did you get the flavor?
What did you pay for 50 lip balm tubes, 11¢, 15¢ a piece, and probably just pennies worth of materials for the balm? If it were me, I would just chuck them. It wouldn't be worth my time to melt them down and clean them out for as little as was probably invested.

I hate to waste things and lose money too, but at a certain point the measures a person can take to salvage things can become counter productive.
I agree with Carebear (I know I know big surprise there :lol: ), but you need to identify the source of the problem
Maybe not able to save this batch, but to help you avoid having the same problem again.
you know before you toss em let someone else who will give you an honest opinion test one out ,it would not be the first time that what you are perceiving to be a foul smell smells just fine to someone else . I am speaking from my own experience of course.