There's an easy way to convert recipes from percentages to actual weight measures, and scale them up and down without introducing math errors. Starting from volume, the only conversion you need to do yourself is figure out what percent of the recipe a particular oil is. In this case, it's easy. PKO is 100% of your oils. Completely ignore water and lye measures for this, the calculator will work those out for you.
If you know how much your oil weight is, start by entering that as your batch size in your unit of measurement (I always use grams, it's just more accurate). If you're using mixed oils, or have a particular batch size in mind, then just enter the total weight you want to reach. This is for the oils only. If you're working purely with percentages, just select your weight unit and leave the total weight empty. We're ignoring lye and water for the moment.
Enter your oils by percentage.
Set your superfat (0% or maybe -1 or -2% for a laundry soap). Set your water ratio. I like to use 2:1 which gives a 33% lye concentration. 3:1 will give you a 25% lye concentration. Probably don't want to go much below that. If you don't know or care, it's ok to leave the default setting.
And now calculate. There are the measures you need to use for that batch of soap. If your 'recipe' says use different amounts of water or lye, trust the calculator and use the amounts it gave you instead.
25% extra lye.... oy. I certainly don't think I'd recommend using it as laundry soap, it'll tear your clothes up with that much excess lye and burn anyone who handles it.
I'd be hesitant to even zap test this recipe, and I'm a big advocate of zap testing. Wear gloves when handling, and use caution when testing! Or.. you could just go straight for the rebatch. Grate what you've got up as fine as you can and dump it into a big lye-safe pot that can be heated somehow. Add water to moisten and help the soap start melting. Then start adding oil in, a bit at a time and let it cook for a while. Test, and add more oil if it still zaps. Repeat until the soap doesn't zap when you test it.