Is anyone having good sales on-line???

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Soapy Gurl

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
I can't find anything I want on sale! None of the Etsy stuff I want even has free shipping. I would take any discount! The shoe site I love has a sale, but they don't have the boots I want, sigh. The other site won't honor their sale on the boots I want, lol. I am just having no luck on-line this year. It seems people are being really cheap with sales. Except big merchants. Sigh......
Stuff in general or soaping stuff?

Over the weekend, there were sales at Peak Candle, Elements B&B, Aroma Haven, the Conservatorie, Soapmaking Resource, and Coastal Scents. Daystar is running a Cyber Monday special today.
I saw Peak's but I don't belong to the others. Are they email only? I am going to go look at Daystar right now. I want to try that Belle Morte fragrance! If it is a code, please leave it for me! Or any of the others you think were really good and I will go check them out!
I was underwhelmed at the sales on Etsy too for the holiday weekend. I did end up getting some cream shampoo + conditioner for 10% off from someone I've purchased from before. Yum, can't wait till it gets here!

Otherwise I didn't go shopping at all!
:D I am not sure if this is appropriate but I would like to extend the olive branch and offer you a special coupon code for Bulk Apothecary exclusively for soap making forum guests. I am not sure if it is against the rules on the forum but since it seems like it fits the discussion I though it would be alright. If not, I am horribly sorry. For all the guests of this forum use coupon code "soapmakingforum10" for 10% off anything on our site. Hopefully this helps you and everyone out their looking for a dicount soap making stuff. :D
I have had horrible luck online finding great sales too. Seems like the more the economy falls the harder it is for any of us to offer GREAT sales. Even to the big stores... there wasnt that many great sales there either this holiday season.

Thanks for the bulk apoc. coupon !!! Love your store!