Irrational Fear? :)

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I, too, was a huge 'fraidy cat about working with lye. It took me about a year or so of reading and studying about every aspect and facet about the whole process and going over it again and again in my mind before I finally had enough confidence to just go for it.

I have a picture that my hubby took of me out in the back yard (where I measured and mixed my first lye solution) wearing my makeshift 'hazmat' outfit. I was literally covered from head to toe in protective clothing and looked like a Ninja, or someone prepared to rob a bank or something. lol I laugh every time I look at it. I'm not anywhere near that extreme anymore in regards to what I wear, but I always make sure to wear goggles and gloves, and to also make sure my nose and mouth are protected from breathing in the lye fumes when mixing my solution. Those are things I never compromise on.

Once I got over the hump of making my first 1 or 2 batches, I was so totally hooked that wild horses couldn't keep me from making soap, and I wanted to kick myself for being so afraid! lol

IrishLass :)
I'd recommend taking a soap making class. I found it was helpful to watch someone in action and do hands on participation in order to get comfortable with the ingredients. Always wear gloves, have good ventilation, and wear goggles! The thought of accidentally getting a scalding oil burn is always in the back of my mind. All I can do is be careful and aware.
It's not irrational to fear lye - it needs to be respected, as others have said. However, to let the worry prevent you from making no, dear girl!

If you can handle a pan of boiling water, you can handle lye - they both need the respect. I doubt that you will spill the raw lye, as I imagine you don't often spill salt or sugar when pouring it, do you?

But, to quote Syrio Forel - "What do we say to lye mishaps? "Not today!""
Practice your procedure with salt. Military teaches repetition - practice untill you get it right without thinking too hard. Muscle Memory

Not a bad idea, but be aware that lye is a lot more "static-y" than salt, if you're measuring into a plastic container especially. Not a big issues, but it doesn't behave quite exactly like salt. Certainly being confident in using your scales etc is wise advice.
Respect the lye and go for it! My biggest suggestion is have your are well ventilated when mixing your lye and leave it in the sink to cool. I do not mix outside and carry it into my soaping room, the more you carry it around the more chance of a mishap.

I have to add to my former post that I tend not to be afraid of trying new. There are many things in life that can cause severe harm to ourselves and we just cannot let such rule us or we will never try new. Some we can control some we cannot. I learned years ago to respect the ocean just like I respect lye, but still use it. I have a daughter afraid of her own shadow and it drives me nuts!
"If you can handle a pan of boiling water, you can handle lye - they both need the respect. I doubt that you will spill the raw lye, as I imagine you don't often spill salt or sugar when pouring it, do you?"

EG, this made me giggle, because it made me recall spilling quite a large amount of sugar just yesterday (15 pounds!), dividing it into my storage containers. Thankfully, the amount of lye in my recipe is considerably smaller and lighter than that bloody sugar bag was! :) I'm sure most of my apprehension lies in the fact that I'm a very clumsy lass, especially when I'm trying to be cautious, due to very limited feeling and grasping capability in one of my hands.
It won't prevent me from trying to soap from scratch, forever, because I'm quite determined. With luck, I'll be posting photos of my first attempt, soon!

Thank you for all of the encouragement and kindness!

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