Intentionally 'skin drying' soap.

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
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I have had a request by a room mate to make a intentionally drying soap. What suggestions do you have to make a soap MORE drying to a skin? What oils or such would you say have the most 'skin drying' properties?
Thats so weird..everyone looks for a conditioning soap..
I think adding more % of coconut oil in a recepie with less superfat makes skin drying.
Why not make 100% coconut oil soap, with maybe 7-10% SF. I think any lower than that will be way too harsh.
What The Gentleman said. Also, please define skin-drying.

If it is to reduce the oil produced by the skin, no soap will help.
If it is to dry up some sort of rash, they need to see an MD.
If it is to not have extra conditioning, that we can help with.
Salt bars would be a good bet. I have friends with body acne and I give them 100% coconut oil soap at 20% superfat and 50% salt (with respect to oil weight). Works great. My husband is a bit oily but not prone to major breakouts. He uses salt bars every second or third day to keep the oil at bay. More than that is too drying.
up the coconut. you can also do palm kernel or babassu if that particular friend doesnt like coconut.
I second a salt bar. I have a relative with oily skin and she loves salt bars. There is a difference between a bar being cleansing enough and being drying. Even someone with oily skin isn't going to want that skin all dried out.
up the coconut. you can also do palm kernel or babassu if that particular friend doesnt like coconut.
Well, Let me go ask him why he wants somthing "So drying" (It may just be his way of saying he wants somthing 'more cleaning' (As previously mentioned) Be right back <pads out to ask>
Because he desires less oil on the skin and for things to be 'less oily' he also wants it to not have scent or color to it. His words: "I know that not many people would want a drying soap that is as harsh as I do but I will buy the supplies for it" So worst case he get a bar that I (We) told him he doesnt want and he spent the money for it. But, my best guss is he has oily skin. o.o
I'm not sure if using a harsh soap is the way to go for treating oily skin... I can see going for a non-conditioning soap that doesn't leave much of an emollient residue, but I wouldn't use an extra-strong soap to try and dry the oil off the skin. It'd just be temporary.
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I would make an unscented, uncolored, 1% superfat(just in case your scale is off a tiny bit), low conditioning, but also not too high cleansing soap. Just give him as plain a soap as possible.

Something like this, maybe:

25% Coconut Oil(76 degree)
50% Lard
20% Olive Oil, pomace
5% Castor Oil

But, I am going to warn you that this might smell a bit like lard if you or he has a sensitive nose. I would strongly suggest at least a few drops of some sort of EO.
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Tea tree EO might be nice, and its supposed to have antiseptic properties. Ive made some tea tree scented soaps and hubby loves them.
I have some tea tree. ^.^ Was going to mix it with lemongrass :)

But I am still hesitant about the whole weighing of EO's, they are expensive and dont wanna screw it up :)

I don't want to work with lard but I may not have any choice, the only place I know to get some is walmart and that stuff just looks scary.

The ideas im getting here are really good and its helping me when im tinkering with the soap calc, I ordered some clays and such as well to help with that :)

I like the idea of the 1% superfat (Cant be to careful) and you have all given great ideas and I will always take them when offered :D
Lard isn't scary, use it just like any other oil. The stuff at walmart is perfect and it makes a fantastic soap, lard is one of my favorite soaping fats.
Dip a toothpick or q-tip in a tiny bit of your EO's, use a different toothpick for each scent. Place them in a zip lock baggie for a few minutes then give it a smell, see if they mix well together.
If you give him a drying bar it will make his oily skin much worse as it will cause his body to go into overdrive producing even more oil.
On millers soap page there is an acne recipe that work great for oily skin. My little cousin has used it with great results. This particular recipe calls for witch hazel which is good for oily skin anyway my cousin swears by it and uses it as an all over body bar. I have even made a pretty penny selling it to her friends as well. I have tweaked the recipe a bit over time but the original recipe is great. It does call for some EO but doesn't smell girly or anything. Good lick

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