Inexpensive Silicone Alternatives?

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Oct 31, 2020
Reaction score
New York
Hello, I’m looking to add a silicone or a silicone alternative to my emulsified body Butter. I literally love the way it feels on the skin and don’t want to change the recipe, I just wanna add a tiny bit a silicone to make it a bit less draggy. I’ve been looking on Swift’s website for silicone alternative and all the ones of found are either too expensive for me or I can’t find a vendor that would sell them to a hobbyist. Should I just give up and go with a traditional silicone instead of trying to substitute? I think I wanna go with Dimethicone.
You could try broccoli seed oil based on my reading here: Broccoli Seed Oil The New Wonder Oil For Curly Hair

I'm currently playing with it at 1-2% in a conditioner bar. I'm not sure if it ticks the box for "affordable" as I haven't compared the price to silicones.
I now remember that Abyssinia/crambe oil is advertised as a silicone replacement too. It has 10–20% more erucic acid than broccoli seed oil, and is priced just a bit below. AFAICS, both are hyped in hair care atm, which can be a good thing or not.