incorporating body cream into HP/CP soap, anyone?

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Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hi dear all,

I am very new in soap making :oops: desperately in need of guidance and suggestion. Has anyone tried incorporating body cream into HP soap? I am planning to mix it in last when the HP is cooked, but I wonder if I am able to preserve the body cream properties (ie. Vit E, collagen etc)
I make a lotion soap where I use a premade base that I get from one of my suppliers (it started because I had some too long and it started to thin out on me so instead of throwing it away my husband suggested I make lotion soap).

I don't know it you can preserve all of the qualities - some will be lost due to heat (and in my case lye because I CP it), but many may be retained.

I did it more of a "I wonder if I can do this, and not pour the lotion down the drain" than looking for other properties in my soap. I still make them because they have been popular, but I wouldn't say I notice a HUGH difference in the quality of the soap. It's also a great marketing boost for me without making claims - because it says "Lotion Soap" people make their own assumptions.