In honor of Liz: The Annoyance Thread

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Taken straight from my BF status:
I am so annoyed. I eFiled my taxes on Sunday April 7th with TurboTax. No problems there, but I got an email later on that week saying that both Federal & State were accepted. So I have been patiently waiting for my debit card to arrive. It did today........NO MONEY. I never had this happen before. I found out that the IRS is gonna take up to 21 days til they release my money. I don't even know what NYS is doing. BUT I WANT MY MONEY!!!

I filed my taxes in February. I received notification in March from the state that they were auditing me and I had a crap ton of documentation to send in, including a copy of my daughter's social security card (yeah, I wasn't thrilled about that). Then last week, I was told that they had all of the information, but that it would take up to 8 weeks to decide what to do with my return. So, I might, possibly get my money in June depending on the whims of the state.

I am pissed beyond words, because there is no way I will be getting interest on the money they are withholding from me.
I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one with an irrational hatred of mouth noises! The ice thing...ugh!! I also live in a house with three people (husband included), that have to crunch on hard candy as soon as it hits their mouths!! It makes my jaw tighten just to think about it!! My girls have had so much dental work done, all I can think is "teeth! teeth!", and my husband can't ever just have one, it's got to be two, three in a row! It takes all I have sometimes not to scream at them!! lol And in total agreement with smacking, open mouth chewing, etc. I'm still working on my girls about talking with food in their mouth....don't get me started! :lolno:
mine is I cant stand people chewing with there mouth open too and my bf dad lives with us half the year but when he's with us and not with his gf in VT. he just makes load noises when he's up and everyone sleeping(5am-7am he's up). when I was growing up I had to be quite till all way up or till 11am.
My absolute biggest pet peeve is the sound of rattling plastic wrappers. You know when you're at the theatre and some moron behind you decides to start digging to the bottom of their bag for M&M's or licorice or whatever processed junk they've bought. Just pour some into your hands already! My husband starts to get worried when that happens because I can only keep my mouth shut for so long before I do something about it!

Add in chewing with their mouth open and my boiling point is reached in record time. Lookout! LOL:evil:
When I am in public, a store, parking lot or heaven forbid sitting in a waiting room........and there is a women with an issue. Lets call it a sinus issue. And apparently she doesn't know what tissue is for. Instead she snorts the (lets call it stuff), Loudly, NOISILY, GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!!! It is so disturbing!!! Why would you want to suck that stuff BACK UP INTO YOUR HEAD??!!! Go to the bathroom and blow your nose already. And even worse than that is when I see a women in outside hauk a loogie and spit it out. (((SHUDDER))) Its bad enough when men do it. And EVEN worse than that, MY 13yr old daughter does that last one sometimes! Oh, I could just cry. LOL! I often ask myself, will she ever be ladylike?

And chip breath, UGH! Ranch Doritos, bleck! I make my family go brush if they eat those. And I can't even eat them anymore.

This thread is hilarious and I think its good for everyone to vent their annoyances sometimes with no judgement. We all have our little quirks that make us all special :)
I have several, chewing with your mouth open - seriously no one wants to look at your food. People who have Drs appts and don't show up til the exact time of the appt. If they show up early I can at least get them in a room and their vitals done. Also I cant stand automated anything over the phone!!! I have discovered that while on the phone and the automated voice is talking, if you start singing I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner a real person will come on line pretty damn quick!!
the small person in the booth behind you at the restaurant
that won't leave you alone

or kicking your seat from behind in an airplane

and screaming...they always seem to be screaming while they kick...
I have lots to list LOL but I'll only post one :D This happened to me today in fact. I get annoyed when I finally get to sit down at work to take a few minutes for lunch (I get an hour but never have time to take it) and someone comes up to and says "Oh you're eating lunch. I'm sorry to bother you" and instead of coming back a few minutes later they start asking me their question. Even if I have food still in my mouth and my sandwich in hand. Well, they got their hour lunch why don't they let me take mine? My desk is only a few steps from there's and they'll see when I'm done so they can come back then. People in my office don't see that as annoying. Arrrgggghh

Ok, got that off my chest :lol:

That is when you need to have a quick answer of "I'm so happy that you feel sorry for bothering me. To relieve you of that discomfort I'll happily wait and answer you once I'm finished."
Wait Mel, cars in NV have turn signals? There's a peeve of mine. They come with the car...standard feature!

I didn't mean I don't normally use my blinkers. I just meant when I use them, it's a sure fire way to make the guy in the next lane speed up instead of politely letting you in.
mine is I cant stand people chewing with there mouth open too and my bf dad lives with us half the year but when he's with us and not with his gf in VT. he just makes load noises when he's up and everyone sleeping(5am-7am he's up). when I was growing up I had to be quite till all way up or till 11am.

The rule in our house (when the kids aren't in school) is you have to stay quiet until 10 a.m. I never had a rule like that, just that I couldn't bother my parents until they woke up (my mom worked swing shift at the casino so she never got up until 11 or so) and I couldn't go out and play until she was up.

When I am in public, a store, parking lot or heaven forbid sitting in a waiting room........and there is a women with an issue. Lets call it a sinus issue. And apparently she doesn't know what tissue is for. Instead she snorts the (lets call it stuff), Loudly, NOISILY, GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!!! It is so disturbing!!! Why would you want to suck that stuff BACK UP INTO YOUR HEAD??!!! Go to the bathroom and blow your nose already. And even worse than that is when I see a women in outside hauk a loogie and spit it out. (((SHUDDER))) Its bad enough when men do it. And EVEN worse than that, MY 13yr old daughter does that last one sometimes! Oh, I could just cry. LOL! I often ask myself, will she ever be ladylike?

And chip breath, UGH! Ranch Doritos, bleck! I make my family go brush if they eat those. And I can't even eat them anymore.

This thread is hilarious and I think its good for everyone to vent their annoyances sometimes with no judgement. We all have our little quirks that make us all special :)

My son does what we call snorking... sniffing all that mucus back up and whines when I tell him to blow his nose... yuck!

I have banned Corn Nuts from the house. My children aren't allowed to eat them when I'm around because I find them vile and they stink to high heaven. Blech!!!
I didn't think of you as a big complainer. I thought of you as
a great example for a new thread!

Then there's the person who waits until her entire (6 or 7 bags) order
is rung up at the register before she decides to open her purse and
start writing a check...and has to ask for a pen...and what date it is...
and the name of the store...and how much was it again... and...

How about just people who write checks in general?

It's the age of the debit card. PLEASE learn to use it!

Any time I see someone writing a check, I get frustrated. I know lots of people still like them due to being able to write in how much it was for right then and there in the check register, but just save your receipt and write it down at home! Grrr. People say hateful things about you (general you) in their heads every time you pull that checkbook out.

Me personally: when my kids nibble at their supper and then say "I'm hungry" every 20 minutes until bedtime.
the rule in our house (when the kids aren't in school) is you have to stay quiet until 10 a.m. I never had a rule like that, just that i couldn't bother my parents until they woke up (my mom worked swing shift at the casino so she never got up until 11 or so) and i couldn't go out and play until she was up.

My son does what we call snorking... Sniffing all that mucus back up and whines when i tell him to blow his nose... Yuck!

I have banned corn nuts from the house. My children aren't allowed to eat them when i'm around because i find them vile and they stink to high heaven. Blech!!!

snorking!!! Lol!
Ooh! I HATE smacking too! My nephews do it all the time! Grrrrr, I'm over here all like " boy if you don't shut your mouth and quit smacking I'm gonna lose it!"

I hate when people pull out infront of you, so you have to slam on the brakes to keep from hitting them, then just when u are picking up speed they turn! Especially when they coulda waited 20 seconds til u passed as there is NO one behind you!

I am one that repetitive noises drive me nuts! Like my kids clapping every 5 seconds for no reason, or sitting on a chair and kicking the back, that ca clank ca clank ca clank.....urg!

My other main one is people who don't control their kids in public! My kids are no angels, daughter 7 son 2 , but if I am eating or shopping or sitting at the doctors office, or whatever and my kids act out, I will box up the food to leave instead of allowing my children to cause annoyance to other people out trying to enjoy themselves (never had to, but I would!) and kids running around in the dr office.people are sick and don't feel good, bring something to quietly keep your kids entertained!

Wow, sorry I guess I got on a roll there, lol
Ok here is another... and I know I'm not alone in this because several of my friends are the same way. Misspelling and bad grammar. My husband is the worst at spelling and his handwriting makes me cringe. I will apologize to anyone of you who are friends with me on Facebook.. I do tend to correct misspellings and bad grammar.. I'm well known for it and I don't mind if you tell me to kiss your.. well you know. I can usually let it go, but occasionally I have to chime in and say something because it irks me. Especially now in this age of technology, spell check/auto-correct is everywhere! And sometimes I get a good laugh at auto-correct, it's always a good idea to use that. Just in case you meant to say "ok" and it comes out "klingon".. always good for a chuckle.
I am with you about the spelling and grammar. I am writing on my tablet right now and when I started to type in grammar it gave me the option gr8. It is no wonder that people can't spell. Grrrr.
Farmer's blow...Gross!

My ex used to unknowingly hum while he chewed his food. Yep, ex...Annoying!
That is when you need to have a quick answer of "I'm so happy that you feel sorry for bothering me. To relieve you of that discomfort I'll happily wait and answer you once I'm finished."

Ha! I should do that :razz:
I get so annoyed by students texting in class. I have a rule against it but the kids try to be so sly. I don't like taking them away because it is always such a struggle to get them to hand them over and it wastes my class time. Once I take a phone from a student it is my responsibility. I really don't want to be held responsible for new a Iphone. It is something that I really wish I didn't have to deal with.

Parents calling and texting their kids while they are in class is my other pet peeve.
I get so annoyed by students texting in class. I have a rule against it but the kids try to be so sly. I don't like taking them away because it is always such a struggle to get them to hand them over and it wastes my class time. Once I take a phone from a student it is my responsibility. I really don't want to be held responsible for new a Iphone. It is something that I really wish I didn't have to deal with.

Parents calling and texting their kids while they are in class is my other pet peeve.

I don't know your teaching style obviously. However, when I was in school, we had one teacher who was very quiet when he spoke. It made you pay attention because you had to in order to get what he was saying. And if he was going to take something, he just did it, as he quietly and patiently kept on talking. Maybe have a box and tell them, "If I catch you texting, I will come around with the box and you will put your phone in it until the end of class. There will be no discussion but there will be detention for arguing." I don't know what the rules are for teacher conduct anymore, but it's small problems like this one that made me not want to be a teacher.

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