I'm scared!! LOL!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
central Oklahoma
I'm scared! Something has come over me. I am in a "decluttering" mood. Not only does this mean confining myself to the netherworld (2 extra bedrooms where almost all the clutter is located) but while I am in there, I am not making soap. Only 3 days of vacation left before school (and therefore teachers) start back to work, and I'm spending it cleaning?? Can you see how scary that is? My dear GF already cleaned the rest of my house, so why can't I just close those doors?

But some good has already come of it. 1) I finally dumped those out-of-date essential and fragrance oils I needed to dispose. They are soaking in kitty litter in a bag inside a box, and awaiting the garbage man. 2) I found some RED color which I missed getting when I made my order that is due here Monday. But that might be problematic. I'm not sure if it is for M&P or regular soapmaking, as it is a tiny bottle and all it says is "red." So using it will definitely be another "experiment." 3) I found the remote for the den DVD player.

More good will come, too, as when I finish I will have more room for soap! I'm running out of drying space.
P. S. This has nothing to do with New Year's Resolutions. If it did, I would already be out of the mood.
How out of date were the fo's & eo's? Did they smell bad? Just wondering because I have fo's & eo's from years ago that are still good.

Have fun cleaning ;)
These were 10 to 12 years old. The ones that were not good were either FOs or from WSP. I have several EOs that old that are still good! The "bad" ones mostly lost their smell, tho a few did smell kinda gnarly. :wink: