If you could only have one FO, what would it be??

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I'm sitting here trying to think of my favorite FO and my mind just keeps drifting back to EOs because I love them best XD

BB's Christmas spice though, I use that as a blender all over the place I'd say vanilla buttercream from soapylove (sold through BB), but its been discontinued ):
Its very hard for me to choose just one... I smelled a sniffie someone sent me called Avobath from lush. I really want to get it so I can soap with it. Smells so good! If I had to pick one right now, I think that would be it.
Mike's Pomegranate and Rain Water - Mikes Fragrances and More
Japanese Cherry Blossom - Bulk Apothecary

No issues, and sticks very well in CP
KChaystack, I really like NG's Green Tweed (excellent value) and SLZ's Bonsai. The SLZ site says that they require a minimum order (huge for me) though, are you getting around that somehow? I did email Kelly but did not get a response, which was unusual for her (good CS) I should try again.

Also I like the new avatar pic w/the rainbow flag superimposed.
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KChaystack, I really like NG's Green Tweed (excellent value) and SLZ's Bonsai. The site says that they require a huge (for me) minimum order though, are you getting around that somehow? Also I like the new avatar pic w/the rainbow flag superimposed.

Thanks, I used it in June as my avatar for my company profile (I work for IBM).

I bought a pound of Bonsai, and must have gotten the last of that batch. It disappeared and I emailed Kelly (the owner). She said they were just out and were running a restock sale for it. I was not able to get any during that sale (it was 10% off!). But she said it was one of their best sellers and they were sure they would restock fast. That was in May, so maybe they are out again?

Just click the contact us link at the top of the page and ask about it, she is really nice and responsive.
I really like Arabian Nights and South Beach, both from Mad Oils. Both soap easily and stick well in soap. If you love mango as much as I do, Fresh Mango from BB is pretty great too!
K, I'll try emailing her again. The site still shows a 5 lb min. order (other than the sniffie) but def. worth checking on, I really love that stuff. Thanks.

K, she answered super fast, reply below. It looks as if I might be out of luck until the fall unless someone makes a big order. I hope this does not mean it's on its way out, period, sometimes this stocking pattern does.

"Currently we are out of stock. Unless I have an interest in at least 5 lbs, I will not be restocking Bonsai until this fall. I am not going to capitalize a 50 lb drum right now for only a 1 lb purchase though. I am sure you understand.

I can't pick just one, but my very favorites are WSPs Nag Champa for an earthy fragrance, and BBs Oatmeal, Milk and Honey for a clean fragrance. And then there's lavender, and lemon verbena and, and, and......
Someone describe dragon's blood.... I see it mentioned A LOT in threads I have researched...so it must be a favorite, but I cannot even fathom what *kind* of scent it is!

Anyone used the oatmeal milk honey fragrance from NG?

I am trying to find the everything I need from one place! (and at the best price with the best shipping...AHHH---so much research to do!)
maple wood or maple syrup. create a spell binding soap. it make you want to sniff and sniff some more.. this scent make me act as if i where smelling Grey flannel .. and lord know anyone who had that on back in the day. did not have to be good looking.. I just lean over and sniff LMAO

that cologne was like pheromone to my soul.. BAD TIME FOR ME WHEN GREY FLANNEL WAS AROUND LOL
Having to pick just one FO is simply impossible. I'd go for one that behaves itself, doesn't discolor and has some nuance... maybe an OMH or BB Ginger Patchouli or Daystar Goldilocks or MO Pumpkin Bread (though that one discolors so I guess I should nix it; however, it's really, really yummy). It's too hard. This game is not fair!

Picking just one supplier would be really hard too. BB, NG and WSP have lots of options but are pretty hit or miss. MO's are almost all good, but they don't have many options. I'd probably go for WSP if I had to pick just one - though they sell by volume and that is annoying. So maybe BB wins by default. They have some really good scents, a nice variety, and they sell by weight.
I thought about this for a while and just gave up! I couldn't even get it narrowed down by category. Snappy, picking one supplier would be impossible too, they all seem to have certain no-miss things. I just keep wish lists at all my regular places and eventually order when they are enough to justify shipping.
Someone describe dragon's blood.... I see it mentioned A LOT in threads I have researched...so it must be a favorite, but I cannot even fathom what *kind* of scent it is!

WSP describes their Dragon's Blood as amber, myrrh, sandalwood and patchouli. It is warm, powdery and earthy. It turns the soap a cinnamon brown, which I think is quite fitting. This is the favorite of the majority in my household and my most liked/requested soap, so far.
DB is one of those scents that you either hate or love, I think. I actually love warm scents, but don't like DB. I know it does tend to be a top seller, for most suppliers, most of the time, so I am in the minority.
Jstar, I have yet to try those from mikes. I'll have to add those to my next order.

Make sure you get the *Mike's* Pomegranate...he has a couple on his site..that one tho..I adore it and will be getting the 16 oz'rs next order. The Rain Water is a nice clean scent..goes wonderful in my coconut milk soaps..

I've just found some tarts tonight that are called Tropical Plumeria Petals by Better Homes and Gardens at Walmart...Im going to send Mike a sample and see if he can dupe it for me..I dont know what plumeria smells like so Im hoping these tarts I found are the right thing lol
DB is one of those scents that you either hate or love, I think. I actually love warm scents, but don't like DB. I know it does tend to be a top seller, for most suppliers, most of the time, so I am in the minority.

And dragons blood fos vary so much from supplier to supplier. I had a sample of Soapalooza's Sangre de Draco and loved it. But I ordered some NG with a big order and I find it... lacking. Someone on here is a big DB fan and has a fav. I'll need to look up my post where they told me their supplier.

The actual dragons blood is the resin from a tree. It can be ground and heat infused into oil. It is terribly expensive tho.
And dragons blood fos vary so much from supplier to supplier. I had a sample of Soapalooza's Sangre de Draco and loved it. But I ordered some NG with a big order and I find it... lacking. Someone on here is a big DB fan and has a fav. I'll need to look up my post where they told me their supplier.

The actual dragons blood is the resin from a tree. It can be ground and heat infused into oil. It is terribly expensive tho.

Carolyn is a huge DB fan. Here is where she sent me. You just need to email him and he'll get it to you. I can't remember the price though.


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