I think i've got it down now!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2009
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Commerce, Tx
I was playing with the soapcalc and I think I get it! :idea: hooray for me! Now I can't wait to put these ideas to the test :twisted:
I think it is great that you are able to learn all this info now , when you get home , you can go crazy making soap .:D

Hi there

I only got SoapCalc down today myself, I still had to ask incessantly on the forum until I did though! I might make a tutorial one day so that soapcalc challenged peons like me will get to see it in living colour.

I made a batch today, how about you?
Soapcalc looks a little more tricky now than it used to be. Once you get the hang of it you'll be great.
The trick, I think, is to go through it methodically one section at a time.
yes I can't wait to make some goodies! muhahaha!! It seems a bit more tricky then what it really is, once I figured it out I realized it was alot more simple then what I was making it out to be.. lol :wink:

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