Hi my name is Larita, and yes that is my real name
I am new to the forum and I have been playing around with lotion for a few weeks now. They have a charity function here where live and it is tomorrow Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I would like to participate since everything we sell goes to the childern the charity is assisting. I need help! I am not confident with my products just yet and have only shared them with immediate family so far. I have alot of ingredients as I found a lady locally who was getting out of the business and sold me lots of stuff dirt cheap last month and thats when I started. Ok this is what I have done and what I am trying to do. I am trying to create a body lotion, a body butter, a lip balm(stick type) and a body wash. I have been working on the body butter and lotion. I started with a 70% water phase. I added glycerin at about 4% and some aloe vera water into the water phase. I am using ewax nf as my emulsifier and I use cetearyl alcohol as well. I would have preferred to use cetyl alcohol but I dont have any. I use butters like shea and cocoa butter and almond oil. My water phase is about 70% my oil phase about 25% and my cool down phase is about 5%. I use ewax at about 25% of the oil phase. Now from what I have read 70% water phase is a regular lotion not too light and not too thick but mine is coming out thick like body butter. Even when I remove the stearic acid and the cetearyl alcohol and make it with just the ewax it is still so thick when I turn the jar upside down it won't fall out. Will I have to use 80 or 90% water to make it thin? I think this is not supposed to be happening????? Is it???? Also it seems a bit waxy when I rub it on and that REALLY bothers me! I want it to feel like the body butters I buy from the store. I dont want it to feel like like some waxy homemade concoction. It feels kinda nice when I rub it, it makes my hands have a nice sheen and its doesn't feel greasy but it doesn't feel like its moisturizing my skin deep down. I tried adding some other additives to TRY to enhance it and over come the waxiness, give it more slip and make it moisturize my skin deeper but it actually seems the same or slightly worse after those additions. I added panthenol, guarhydroxypropyltrimmonium chloride, and allantoin and its no better. That doesn't make sense. when a person adds all the stuff that I added I should have had a really great cream but it is quite basic and underperforming in my estimation. I am willing to stay up all night to get this right as I am dedicated to do a great job on anything I start. It is 11pm here and I want to sell these at the fundraiser tomorrow. Anybody that can help. God bless you and I welcome and greatly need your help. Waiting to hear from you.