I have got to ask this question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2009
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I met a soap maker who claimed to boil her lye on the stove. The reason I ask is because I think she was lying and selling wholesale logs as her own. That I don't really care about I just want to know if placing lye on a stove with heat under it would cause a super deadly situation.
phpworm said:
sounds like hot process soap...?

No I asked her specifically to decribe what she does and she claimed to have 2 pots on the stove with heat under both, one with lye and one with oils.

She also claimed to buy lye in bulk at an organic store, scooped in a brown bag.
honor435 said:
I think shes nuts! they dont sell lye like that, anywhere.

I was questioning this girl and looking for a crack. I hate to be mean so I kept it light hearted. Sheesh, she lied so smoothly. I even tried to get her to admit they were prepurchased logs and she still "OH NO'd me.

The lye/scoop story came out after I asked her what brand of lye she used. The boiling lye on the stove story came about because she claimed to do that to get it to 100 degrees.
dandelion said:
honor435 said:
I think shes nuts! they dont sell lye like that, anywhere.

I was questioning this girl and looking for a crack. I hate to be mean so I kept it light hearted. Sheesh, she lied so smoothly. I even tried to get her to admit they were prepurchased logs and she still "OH NO'd me.

The lye/scoop story came out after I asked her what brand of lye she used. The boiling lye on the stove story came about because she claimed to do that to get it to 100 degrees.

You don't have to boil lye to get it to 100 degrees. All you do is add the lye to water and waalaaa....instantly hot! No external heat required (and anyone in a right mind wouldn't do something that dangerous anyway).

It was likely someone wholesaling and trying to sound smart. The sad part is that if the person wanted to sound like she knew something, all she'd have to do is google the process!
dandelion said:
phpworm said:
sounds like hot process soap...?

No I asked her specifically to decribe what she does and she claimed to have 2 pots on the stove with heat under both, one with lye and one with oils.

She also claimed to buy lye in bulk at an organic store, scooped in a brown bag.

Calling BS.

1- Lye + water = exothermic reaction: those of us who soap know just mixing the too creates a LOT of heat. Add extra heat --> potentially KABOOM!
2- Lye cannot be exposed to the air. Brown bags are porous. They couldn't scoop it (like gumballs) and then bag it this way. It would have to be lye that was already old and rendered inert from having sucked up H2O in the air.
This is clearly a case of


(the feeling that you have heard this BULL before) :)

It is so sad when someone feels that they have to take credit for someone else's work, and then compound the lie by spreading false information about the process. This could also be very dangerous if some newbie decided to try this process. Shame on her.
MagiaDellaLuna said:
This is clearly a case of


(the feeling that you have heard this BULL before) :)

It is so sad when someone feels that they have to take credit for someone else's work, and then compound the lie by spreading false information about the process. This could also be very dangerous if some newbie decided to try this process. Shame on her.

So so true, I went right to the wholesale website and matched up the pictures of her soap.. I am just shocked how smoothly she lied and YES she could either try her own stupid method in an attempt to make soap or cause someone else to kill or maim themselves. Should I email her, you know what, I am going to email her.

Thanks you guys!
Unbelievable!! I would Email her too. Was she selling *her* soap at a show?

Could you imagine if someone tried her method?

I would also report her.. That is soooooo wrong!
report her to who?

I would just print off a sheet of pictures from the website, walk up and show it to her and say, maybe you should just say it's handmade soap, instead of saying it was handmade by you and lying about the process!
Lying about lye...

I do lots of shows that are juried- and it seems like more and more people are lying about their products just to get in. That really burns me, though... because as several of you mentioned- someone may go home and try her crazy technique. Her dishonesty could get someone else hurt. If you see her at another show- turn her in to the people who run it- even if it's not juried, they should be aware of her.

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