I did it! My "fruit slices" M&P & CP soap!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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ON, Canada
So I bit the bullet and made this soap! I was a little nervous about making it as I'm not very familiar with M&P (this was my first time using it) and didn't really know how it would react to the CP. I was worried the chunks would melt (which they did, a little), and wasn't sure how to add the chunks so that they would float throughout the soap and not just sink to the bottom.

Anyway, I ended up putting the chunks in the freezer beforehand (as someone recommended to me, thanks!) When it came time to pour the soap into the mold, I poured a little in the bottom, then added a handful of chunks, then more CP, then more chunks. I did it in about 3 or 4 "layers". Worked pretty good I think.

As I said, the M&P did kind of melt. The pieces were cut in nice chunks when I added them, but in the soap they look more like globs, and the colours mixed a little. Oh well, I am still very happy with how it came out!

This is a 3.5 lb batch (of oils) and I also added 1 tsp. of white kaolin clay to the lye, and 4 tbsp. of titanium dioxide. It is not quite a "bright white", but it still looks good (I think!) It is scented with a "fruit slices" FO (I was going for the "chunks of fruit" look!)

So, here it is! Thanks to all of you for your help with this!

Gorgeous soap, Ashley! Looks amazing and just like you had planned it that way. Did the CP soap gel? That may be why the MP embeds blurred a little? If you do it again and decide not to gel it will be interesting to see the result then too.

Now you have inspired me to try this! I soap both MP and CP so why not combine my two soaping loves.


Tanya :)
Thanks topcat!

The CP did gel... the MP started kind of oozing out the top of the log right away, so I knew the chunks weren't going to come out perfectly "chunky". It's alright though, I am still really happy with how it came out!

I may make some more in my silicone muffin pans with the leftover chunks, and try to prevent gel to see what happens!
These look fantastic!!! I always have so much envy when I look at the pictures. One day mine will look passable for photos. Soon I hope. Maybe today's batch of carrot and one of cucumber. Fingers crossed.
Jody said:
These look fantastic!!! I always have so much envy when I look at the pictures. One day mine will look passable for photos. Soon I hope. Maybe today's batch of carrot and one of cucumber. Fingers crossed.

No worries Jody! You will get there soon. I am pretty new at this myself (been at it for about 7 months now). I still get more ugly batches than pretty ones... that's for sure! I think even the really experienced people still get "surprises" once and awhile!

great job, you little soap pioneer, you!

i've always wondered if and how that would turn out.

another soaping mystery cleared up! the soaps are lovely, they remind me of xmas candy divinity with chunks of candied fruit!

well done! let us know how they stand up in the shower.
Thats exactly what they remind me of heartsong! They are beautiful!!! I gotta try this now!
I love it ashley! That is a rich and funky soap! I bet it smells terrific.
Thos look great!!!! I have never tried M&P but your soap is giving me food for thought :twisted:
Re: I did it! My "fruit slices" M&P & CP s

AshleyR said:
So I bit the bullet and made this soap! I was a little nervous about making it as I'm not very familiar with M&P (this was my first time using it) and didn't really know how it would react to the CP. I was worried the chunks would melt (which they did, a little), and wasn't sure how to add the chunks so that they would float throughout the soap and not just sink to the bottom.

Anyway, I ended up putting the chunks in the freezer beforehand (as someone recommended to me, thanks!) When it came time to pour the soap into the mold, I poured a little in the bottom, then added a handful of chunks, then more CP, then more chunks. I did it in about 3 or 4 "layers". Worked pretty good I think.

As I said, the M&P did kind of melt. The pieces were cut in nice chunks when I added them, but in the soap they look more like globs, and the colours mixed a little. Oh well, I am still very happy with how it came out!

This is a 3.5 lb batch (of oils) and I also added 1 tsp. of white kaolin clay to the lye, and 4 tbsp. of titanium dioxide. It is not quite a "bright white", but it still looks good (I think!) It is scented with a "fruit slices" FO (I was going for the "chunks of fruit" look!)

So, here it is! Thanks to all of you for your help with this!

It looks like that white jewel fudge candy :) I love it...
I make a soap similar and I freeze the m&p like you did, add it at a thick trace and stir then pour in my mold, and prevent gel by putting the mold in the fridge. then the m&p chunks don't melt at all...