I am stumped...tangerine essential oils

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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I would like to use Tangerine esential oil in a cold process soap but cant figure out what to blend with it. I was thinking Litsea. Any thoughts on what would blend well with it?
Here is something that worked for me: My very first solo soap (way back in the first of January!) was scented with tangerine and lemon eucalyptus EO. I am using the test bar now. It smells great--very citrusy. I can smell it when it is both wet and dry. The scent seemed to go away during the second, third weeks, then as it got harder and harder it came back. I am happy with it. kpduty
I put crushed vanilla bean specks in mine. Gave it a slightly sweet tangerine smell, but it would be considered exfoliating with those in there.
You will need an anchor scent like litsea or patchouli for the tangerine. Or you can add a little cosmetic grade clay to the soap to help anchor the scent. I use 2 parts orange to 1 part cedarwood along with clay to anchor the scent. You might try 2 parts tangerine with 1 part cedarwood.
How about some ginger for a spicy difference? Or lavender would make a great blend too.
WOW thanks so much for all the great ideas. I plan on playing this weekend. Will let you know what I've come up with and of course some soap **** ;o

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