HP toppers

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
Near Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Just say you took some of your HP out of the crockpot and pressed it into some mini molds like stars or berrys? You would have to color quick I know. But I'm thinking those little devils would be cool enough by the time you finished adding FO and color to the rest of it?? Then you could use them on top for decoration? I'm gonna try it next time I soap. I'm waiting on my new dishwasher to be installed before I soap anything. My 22 year old ultra wash died last week.
Like you said, you'll probably have to work fast. There is an additive that helps keep rebatched and Hp'ed soap 'loose' for an easier pour. But I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning...

Also I haven't got a dishwasher in this ole farmhouse, so I feel your pain! lol

AAhh! here's what I was trying to remember. I thought it was a sticky..... but I found it with a search http://www.soapmakingforum.com/f24/re-batching-1-more-time-29886/
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