How to pour HP evenly

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Supporting Member
Mar 21, 2014
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Is there a way to pour HP soap evenly into a mold. I have noticed that some parts of my soap has higher areas.When I pour I tap it hard to get it to even out, it seems that doesnt work well.:D
Hello everyone,
I make my water more like 40 or 42% , also using SL will help you to have some more time to work on your batter, finally if things didn't work use beveler or a cutter or even a large size knife to fix it.
Hope this helps:smile:
Although too much water can cause a lot of shrinkage and "shrunken middle syndrome". Or am I the only one who gets that??? :)
Sorry I have no answer, for my HP batches I don't always add extra water unless I like to decorate the top which is limited comparing to CP soap. I use 38% water discount and I just leave the natural rustic top with very little touches:smile:
At times I give up on making flatish tops and use a chopstick to make a nice rustic texture. That also helps some with the sunken middle, especially if you mound it up a little.
In addition to increasing my water, I put a piece of baking parchment on top of the soap and smooth it with my hand. If the soap is sticky, I just leave the parchment on and peel it off when the soap hardens.
I was doing that too. Then for some reason I stopped.:confused: I need to go back to that again.
I line with parchment and fold it over the top and then I use a piece of wood (like a lid) that fits inside the mold and just apply a bit of pressure. Totally flat top :)
"... it sounds like you're responsible and in control of this phenomenon. ..."

Yep. No argument there. Just tryin' to be a part of the group....

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