How to melt my oils?

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Dec 3, 2012
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I am brand new and going to make my first soap batch tomorrow. What is the best way to melt my oils? I have a 2# thing os palm oil, palm kernnel oil, and coconut oil. What do I need to do with this to use them? Do I need to melt the entire container down and stir before getting out the amount I need or can i scoop out what I need then melt it down? Also if I wanted to use crisco in a recipe how do I melt that?
Most soap books advocate melting them in a double boiler or large pot on the stove.

To be honest, I have always used the microwave, and everything has turned out fine. I just add all the hard oils in one large container together and heat them in 20-30 second bursts until they are melted. Stir between each burst.

With palm oil and palm kernel oil, you might find the oil is too hard to get out of the container without heating it first. I do them for about 20 or 30 seconds in the microwave, by which time they have melted enough to pour. Well, palm oil does. Palm kernel is really hard and takes a little longer.

Coconut oil you can scoop out of the container and measure. It's hard at room temperature, but not too hard to scoop out.

I haven't tried Crisco, but I think it would work the same way. I hope others chime in.
I use the microwave to melt my hard oils and butters and then add them to the liquid oils. This has worked fine for me. If you are doing hot process, you can just melt them in the Crockpot.
I do the same as Dana describes. I melt my hard oils in the microwave and then add the room temperature liquid oils to the molten hard oils or butters. I use silicone bowls to hold my soap batter.

If I make liquid soap I just use a stainless steel pot and melt them directly on the stove top.
I also use the microwave. If I have a large container then I pour the melted oil into smaller tupperware containers so I don't have to remelt the entire thing every time.

With palm oil only, you will have to melt down the whole thing, shake or stir it up, and then measure. The reason is that the stearic acid will have a tendency to settle towards the bottom. You want it evenly distributed or you will not get predictable results. You don't have to do this with coconut or PKO.
I'm still experimenting to find the method I like best. The microwave method works well for me, but lately I've using the stovetop. I use a stainless steel soup pot for mixing my soap. I put it on the scale, measure the hard oils (palm, lard, coconut, etc.) directly into the pot then melt them on low/medium low on the stovetop. I like this method because I don't mess up as many containers, but I also like the microwave method - and what's one or two more greasy containers?! :)
I am so glad to see others use the microwave. I have read some of the craziest scare tactics about using the microwave, but that was how I learned. Now I don't feel so alone!

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