Just thought I'd jump in since y'all are probably referring to me...the newbie who already set up an Etsy shop. I actually haven't sold any of my soaps yet, just given to family and friends for testing. I set up my shop the other day when I had some free time. I have another etsy shop where I sell my bags, so I thought I'd get it started while I had the time to do it.
The shipping costs are so high that I doubt I'll be doing much selling on Etsy till I figure out how to overcome that issue. Who wants to buy a bar of soap and then pay $8.50 for shipping? Not gonna happen. So all of you who are jumping all over getting excited...don't panic.
I'll probably sell a few soaps at some small craft fairs I'm doing this fall, nothing big-just community and schools. I'm doing the legal stuff and getting the forms done for the gov't as necessary. I will have my labelling in place and follow the rules for that.
I don't profess to know all I would need to know to run a major soapmaking company. That's not my plan. I'm quite happy in my work and make a great salary as an RN. I don't want a big soap business, but it would be fun to be able to share some of my soaps and let some other people enjoy them and maybe subsidize my hobby a bit.