Hi Jen, it looks like your recipe already has the 5% superfat. Some people set aside a "superfat" oil to add at trace, but I think the general consensus is that there is no need to do this. People really only do this if they are using a small amount of an expensive specialty oil anyway. ETA oops,
@Dawni said it better ♡
A 5% superfat would be 5% of the oils, so 32oz x.05=1.6 oz.
It gets complicated once you have multiple oils though, because different oils require different amounts of lye, and the lye also has a preferance for which fatty acids it would like to interact with most.
@DeeAnna is the specialist (tagged to correct me if I'm leading Jen astray
Are you about to make your first batch? This is so exciting!! Just follow the recipe and don't worry about setting anything aside.