It is not just the amount of products you need to sell a week, you need to MAKE it as well.
Soaping is a brilliant hobby. Will you still love that georgeous Lavender Patchouli soap in 3 months time when you have to make another stupid batch of it (your 5th that month) because that's all people ever buy ?? (just kidding here, I still love mine, lol)
And on top of it, how much time do you have to spend selling the let's say 500 items per week ? Will that leave you enough time to make more products when you get home, complete all the paperwork for them (believe me, paperwork is the worst part of the business), answer any emails, ship orders, cook dinner, clear your soaping equipment out of the kitchen and have a life left ? Oh, yes, quote some wholesale accounts and make some promotional material, keep the website updated (and Facebook and Twitter) and make sure you have enough stock on Etsy.....
So, then you get ot the point of having to employ people - if you are blessed like me, you have a teenager who attends business school and needs to do Product Design and Customer Care as homework. (win-win situation here, hehe), otherwise some of your profit will end up paying for someone else's holiday (you no longer have the time for one, so it shouldn't matter anyway).
Living of soaping is possible, but not small scale and not as a hobby. If you are single (mum or otherwise) it will be very very hard (that's why I am doing some temping work now) and it will eat up all of your savings and weekly food budget before even a small amount of profit (I made £10.00 after all costs last month!! - it went straight into a bottle of champagne as it was my first profit after 2 years) is seen. If you are living with someone else who can cover all houshold bills while you get started that would help immensly, as all of the above are just that much harder if trying to do them on top of a 9-5.
If anyone ever invents a 36hr day, please send them my way - I need those !!